
Jhanavi and sarth were sitting in the balcony at night. Discussing the names of their future child.

Jhanavi :- "Ok so if our child is a boy then abhiraj. Meaning of this name is Fearless king."

Sarth :- "Wow that's a cool name."

Sarth smiled at jhanavi making her smile brighter.

Sarth :- "And if it's a girl then Aarvi. It's meaning is Peace."

Jhanavi :- "That's so beautiful."

Sarth :- "I really want to fulfill my child's life with happiness. I want to be the best baba."

Jhanavi hugged sarth and kissed his cheek.

Jhanavi :- "You will be I'm damn sure."

Sarth :- "You are right but we need to work hard for that right?"

Sarth smirked at Jhanavi and picked her up in his arms.

Sarth :- "Let's start from now. Shall we?

Jhanavi :- "Sarth..

Jhanavi blushed hard at this and nodded making sarth smile even more.

Flashback end.

Sarth and jhanavi couldn't stop their smile as they remembered this moment but the next second they remembered the reality of their relationship, which made their smile fade away.

Sarth :- "How are we going to tell aarvi about me?"

Jhanavi :- "That's going to be hard. She is going to ask lot of questions like why you don't live with us and why you never came to see her."

Sarth :- "I know it's going to be hard."


Raj was walking to a grocery store to buy some Noddles for a late night snack, when he saw mohit with kaveri on the other side of the street.

Raj - "What are they doing here at this hour?"

Raj was about to walk up to them but stopped when he heard them arguing. He didn't wanted to listen to their conversation but because they were really loud he could hear everything.

Mohit :- "Kaveri just listen to me!"

Kaveri :- "What?!"

Mohit :- "I really love you yaar."

Raj - "He loves kaveri? But then why is he fooling yashita?"

Raj was feeling really angry he wanted to grab his collar and ask him why was he doing all this to yashita. She didn't deserve this. But this was not the right moment that he knew, he need to have a solid proof first.

Kaveri :- "All are your lies! And how dare you say this to me? you have a girlfriend!"

Mohit :- "It's complicated kaveri! But trust me I just love you."

Kaveri :- "Just leave mohit. Whatever it was between us is over!"

Kaveri got in her car,  before.driving off
she glanced at mohit. After she left Mohit just stood there for minutes looking in the direction she went.

Raj - "What the hell?"

This whole situation was really bizarre raj didn't know what to do should he confront mohit or should he call yashita and tell her everything or he should just call kaveri and ask her what's going on after contemplating alot raj finally decided not to do anything in the three options because Mohit was not going to tell him anything same with Kaveri and there was a high chance that yashita wouldn't trust him.

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