Episode 1

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My name is Dong Shancai. Sweet and sour pork ribs is the signature dish of the Dong family. Ever since i was a child, eating my mom's food together at the table has been the best thing ever.

I made up my mind to get into Mingde University's Nutrition Department, so that i could expand my mom's catering business.
I want more people to enjoy her food.

My dad it's just an ordinary logistics manager.
But he's also a good husband who loves his wife, and a good father who loves his daughter.

My high school classmate is Xiaoyou. She loves tea, so after taking the college entrance exam, we worked part-time at a tea shop. It was a long and peaceful summer. Just like the last 18 years.

But, the peace was broken on that day.


-you got in!
-you got in!
We both said. But sadly she got into another school.

-Thanks to all the teachers, our baby girl Shancai got into Mingde University. congratulations to Shancai!
My dad said, and all of the teacher congratulated me.

-Thank you!
I repeat these words.

I got into the school of my dreams, Mingde University. And i became a freshman in the Nutrition Department.

-Mom, is this the legendary Mingde University?

-Yes, it's the best school. Shancai, work hard!
Your future starts here. Fist bump? Cheers
We both laughed and get into the school.




-I'm so happy that we got into Mingde together. My best friend in high school will now be my best friend in university. I'm so lucky. It's better than winning the lottery.

He was also my best friend in high school. His name is Chen Qinghe.

I smiled at his words admiring the school once again.

-I'm happy too!

Someone called my name.

-You're....let me think about it. Li Zhen?

She nodded

-You're the quiet girl with the best grades in the other class.
My best friend said.

-This is Chen Qinghe. He's my best friend. We were classmates in high school and got into the same university.
I said while introducing him to Li Zhen.

-You must be very close.
She said.

-Of course, we're so close, that i applied to the same universities as her.
He said.

-Why did you apply to the same universities.
She said. That was a bit dumb question.

-I didn't want to be apart from her. Also, it doesn't matter what I major in. I'm going to take over the family company, a banana processing factory.
He said

-Bananas are great. They're very nutritious and delicious.
I don't know why i'd said this. Maybe because i wanted to say something too.

-Yes, most importantly, they're never lonely.
He said.

-Bananas are never lonely?
She asked him.

-Bananas hang around in bunches!
He looked at me and we both said at the same time.

-you're so in sync.
She said laughing

-Of course. No matter what, i'm going to be Shancai's classmate again.
He said while pointing at me.

-Shancai, it's good that i know you, i'd be lonely all by myself.
She said looking at me.

-We'll be best friends from now on for the next four years
I said with a big smile.

The first day of school:

I, Dong Shancai,, am ready. I'm going to work hard at Mingde University and start this new chapter in my life.

I'm late as always, so i keep running to the School director's show. I finally arrived but i fell on the stairs. I was lucky because my best friend Qinghe just caught me before i would broke my teeth.

-Are you okay?
He said.

-Be careful
Zhen said.

-Yes i'm-

-Sit down! The lecture's about to start.
A girl said who was next to us.

-Hurry up!
Another girl said.

I just smiled and sit down next to my friends, because i didn't wanted to fight with a rude girl in my first day of school.

-Next, let's welcome our guest from University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Bobbit.
The school's director said loudly.

- I can't believe Mingde invited him. I'm going to tell my parents. They'll be so jealous.
Qinghe was surprised.

I said because he was too loud.

-I'm happy to share this wonderful day with you, and i supposed to say something funny now, please don't record.

Of course i didn't  listen to him and started taking pictures of him.

After the show ended i show my friends the pictures.

-Hey, look at my pictures.

-Shancai, you got really good ones. Ahh! Send this one to me! I'm making birthday emojis.
Zhen pointed with her finger to one of the pictures.

-It's your birthday? Happy birthday!
I said and Qinghe said too.

-It's not today. it's in two days.
She said.

- I sent it!

She said.

We were looking at the photos when a lady came into me. My phone fell out of my hand.

-what's happening?
I asked my friends while i was on the ground.

-I don't know.
They answered.

A bunch of people were running and filming. They just played football with my phone.
I stood up to see what's happening.

-Is it F4?
The rude girl from the show asked me while looking at something, like a crazy women.

-Let's go take a look.
She said to her friend.
They rushed over us.

I went to see where my phone is. I saw my phone on the ground. I went to dog position and i tried to pick up my phone, but there was too many people.

I was so close to pick up my phone but someone with a green shoes just stepped on it and he broke it. When everyone was gone i stood up and i picked up my phone. It did not work.

I got so angry, i saw four boys and around them was a thousand peoples. They went out of the school. I started running down the stairs and i tried to reach them. But once i got outside i didn't see them. I started walking around the school and i saw them. I rushed there,  and pushed everyone aside. But i got  caught by the paparazzi.

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