Chapter 13

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Opening my eyes I sat up and realized I was still on the couch, I picked up my phone and squinted at the light 2:15 am, I got up and switched off the light, I walked to my room and sat on my bed seeing a notification from HuTao on my phone, I opened it and read her message


Wifey- hey girl, what happened when you got home? did you and Heizou talk it out

sent 8:34 pm

Me- hey sorry for not replying I was asleep, but no we didn't as a matter of fact I made it worse :)

Wifey- how so?

Me- girl why are you awake?

Me- nvm that, I had decided to cancel the plans I had with Tomo and do the movie thing with Heizou but when I told him he got all mad saying "so you felt bad for ditching me so you ditched someone else so you didn't have to ditch me" and then yeah, still angry :D

Wifey- wow that boy needs to calm down, you did apologize right?

Me- yup

Wifey- bro, I am so mad at him, you apologized and he's still mad?!

Me- I don't blame him :)

Wifey- why not?

Me- he's right, I do keep ditching others to hang out with Tomo

Wifey- do you like Tomo?

Me- -_-

Wifey- ok fine, I'll stop asking such questions🙄

Me- I'm gonna go sleep now, night Tao

Wifey- Night Y/n

Wifey- also fuck Heizou, hang out with Tomo as much as you want, along as you're having fun

Me- aha thanks HuTao

I placed my phone down and got under my blanket, I closed my eyes to fall asleep but I can't, I sighed and got out of bed, I opened my bedroom door and began walking to the kitchen when I bumped into someone, I looked and saw Heizou, I gave him a quick glance before walking into the kitchen, I grabbed a cup and filled it with water taking a quick drink, I heard footsteps and saw Heizou walking into the kitchen this time we didn't even look at each other, not even spoke, he opened the fridge and I quickly walked out accidentally bumping into him

"Sorry," I mumbled and walked to my room, I sat on my bed and tried to get some sleep which was a success. I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I picked it up and saw that it was Tomo calling, I answered and bring the phone up to my ear

"Hello?" I said into the phone

"hey Y/n how are you feeling?" he asked and I remembered my lie from yesterday

"uh, I am feeling great actually, I just had a bad stomach ache ahah," I lied 

"well that's great, I'll leave you be now," he said and I thought for a moment

"wait actually, do you want to hang out today, we can just go down to the park I need some fresh air," I said, he said yes and we said our byes, I quickly got changed and walked into the Kitchen, Heizou was already there, I grabbed myself an apple and put the house keys into my pocket

"Where are you going?" Heizou asked taking a sip of his coffee

"none of your business," I responded not looking at him

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