Chapter 11

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It's been about a month since Tomo moved to my school and we two hit it off straight away, we have the same music taste,  like the same movies, and have a lot of similarities, we have been hanging out after school almost every day and on most weekends, and I will admit he is rather attractive, ok fine he is REALLY attractive,

"Y/n your boyfriends here!" Heizou yelled

"not my boyfriend," I yelled back grabbing my phone and jacket before leaving my room, I looked up and saw Tomo standing there

"Hey Y/n," he said with his usual, oddly attractive smile

"hi Tomo," I said as I quickly put on my shoes and stood up

"Heizou, I may be home late so don't wait up," I said walking through the front door

"yeah whatever, bye," he said closing the door, I stood there for a couple of seconds wondering why he seemed upset but I chose to ignore it,

"C'mon, let goooo," Tomo said putting his arm around my shoulder and we began walking, we got to his car and got in, Today, Tomo and I decided to go into the city, we are going to go on a MAJOR shopping trip, and since it's Heizou's birthday in a few weeks I decided to get him something as well, we got to the mall and found ourselves a parking spot

"ok so I don't have a lot of money so I am probably just gonna get Heizou something and some essentials," I said as we got out of the car

"don't worry I can pay for you," He said and I looked at him

"no thank you," I said and we walked toward the entrance

"Please I insist, whatever you want, I'll get," he said wrapping his arm around me again

"I said no okay, I'm not gonna buy myself things that aren't important," I said and he sighed

"fine, whatever then," he responded and we started looking around the stores, I saw a bunch of cute clothes but remember to stay on track, Every store we went in I tried finding something for Heizou but I couldn't until we walked past the Jewelry store, I stopped and Had a look at one of the bracelets that you can carve something into, 

"Hey, I think I found something," I said grabbing Tomo's attention,

"you can wait here I'll be back," I said and he nodded, I walked into the Jewelry store and walked up to the counter

"hello how may I help you?" the lady at the counter asked

"hi, um, that male's bracelet that you can carve something into, could I have a look at it please?" I asked and she nodded, she left and came back a few minutes later with two small boxes, she placed them on the glass counter and opened them up, one was silver, one was gold,

"Could I get the gold one please?" I asked

"of course, what would you like to be on it?" she asked,

"uh, could I get 'Heizou 4/2/22' written on it?" I asked and she nodded

"it should be ready in about 20-30 minutes, you can come back then," she said and I nodded, 

"thank you," I said before turning around and walking out of the jeweler's, Tomo was sitting down scrolling through his phone, noticing my presence he looked up and smiled

"What did you get?" he asked

"oh just something for Heizou, we have to come back in about 20-30 minutes so I can pick it up," I said and he nodded

"Well, in the meanwhile, let's go get something to eat," he said and I nodded, he put his arm around my shoulder and we began walking around to find a place

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