Chapter 12

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"SERIOUSLY Y/N ALL YOU DO IS DITCH PLANS WITH OTHERS SO YOU CAN HANG OUT WITH HIM!" It was currently 10 in the morning and I was having an argument with Heizou, we were SUPPOSED to have a movie marathon today but Tomo had invited me to go to a fancy party that his parents are hosting and when I said I couldn't he looked so sad so I gave in

"I'M SORRY OK!" I shouted back at him, I did genuinely feel bad,

"we can do it tomorrow," I said and he rolled his eyes

"forget it, I'm going out," he said grabbing his keys and jacket

"where?" I asked him seriously

"none of your business," he responded giving me a slight glare before slamming the door shut as he left, I let out a sigh and sat on the couch, 

"what have I done?" I mumbled to myself just then I got a notification on my phone, I looked down and saw a message from HuTao


Wifey- hey girly, just wondering, why is Heizou in such a bad mood?

Me- how do you know he's mad

Wifey- well I am sitting at Komore Teahouse chatting with Kazu and Scara and he's just come in and sat down with the sourest face ever, what happened?

me- We had an argument, he should calm down soon aha

Wifey- oh! alright then, well if you want you can come to join us I'm sure he won't mind

Me- Nah, don't want to provoke him sorry though

Wifey- He can suck it up, I haven't hung out with you for a while

Wifey- what if you just come to Komore teahouse, If he gets even more annoyed then you and I can go out together, if he doesn't say anything then stay

Me- fine, Cya soon


Me- <3

I sighed and put my phone in my pocket, lucky Komore Teahouse is about a 5-minute walk away, I grabbed my keys and wallet, and left the apartment, I left the complex and began walking, I soon got to the familiar Teahouse, I let out a sigh and opened the door, I looked around and spotted the group in the corner, I walked up to them and when HuTao spotted me her face lit up

"HELLOOO!," she yelled grabbing the attention of other customers, they stared before looking going back to what they were doing, HuTao jumped up and gave me a hug 

"Wait and see," she whispered in my ear, she grabbed my hand, and we both sat down next to each other, I sat in front of Heizou, he looked up and noticed it was me, he quickly looked away

"so Y/n how have you been, it's been WEEKS," HuTao said grabbing my attention

"I've been alright, what about you?" I asked 

"the usual, a few clients here and there, Yanfei still not getting the hint," she sighed sadly at the last part and I let out a small laugh

"hey, maybe you should actually tell her instead of giving hints," I said,

"Maybe," she said in thought, it was quiet for a bit before I spoke up

"so how are things with you two?" I asked Scara and Kazu with a wink, Scaramouche's face turned a bright shade of pink while Kazuha let out a small laugh

"We are both great thank you for asking," he said with his usual smile

"How are you and Tomo?" he asked me back and I felt my cheeks flush a little

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