Very Late X-mas Special. Warning this is hella gay. Slay anygays- horny noodles

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[Please take away my writing privileges- also since Mike's family can't family this shit just- a mess with some almost smut thrown in like 6 sentences down. Enjoy my midnight - 1am Brain rot {even though I'll probably release this at like 2am} while I cry internally cause my Mum found my TikTok. 12 Days of Christmas- so technically this isn't late. Also, if you re-read this there might be more cause I'm unpredictable]

{Christmas Day // Christmas One-Shot // Main Ships: Noahcheal,Willry, and Mrs.Afton x Her Wife// Main AU //}

3rd Person POV

        Michael rushed down the stairs, holding the last large present, perfectly nestling it under the tree, and turning the tag so the name was visible. The brunette smiled and picked up a cookie off the plate, taking a quick bite before turning out the lights and walking back up to his room. He entered his room and gently shut the door before walking over to his husband and lying down, turning to face him "Merry Christmas Noah" he smiled and rolled over, snuggling into the redhead's warm embrace. Noah slowly woke up, kissing Michael's head "Merry Christmas My Darling~" he purred, moving his hands from the smaller's waist down to his thighs. Michael turned, his face reddening "O-oh! Y-you're awake..." he muttered, turning to face his husband. Noah smirked, leaning down to kiss Michael "hm...we have a while until the kids wake up~" he suggested with a glint in his eyes. The brunette's blush darkened "Babe it's Christmas- they're gonna wake up ea–" he started but was cut off by his husband sinking his sharp teeth into Michael's pale skin. The smaller softly moaned before he sat up "Noah..." he mumbled while rubbing his neck. Noah sat up as well, pinning Michael to the headboard "your neck is bleeding love~" he purred, leaning down and running his cold tongue along the small wound, the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. Michael shivered at the cold feeling "N-No..ah~" he whimpered, gripping the sheets. The redhead reached up, slowly unbuttoning the smaller's shirt before the door flew open "MOMMA!! DADDY!! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!"  Olivia shouted, her blue eyes shining. Lilianna also stepped into the room, covering Scarlette's eyes at their parents' position "I told you we should've knocked Oli-" she spat, glaring at her twin. Olivia raised an eyebrow "why?" She inquired, rocking on her heels. Lilianna gestured to their parents "THAT'S WHY- COVER LIAM'S EYES!!" she shouted, covering the small baby's eyes. Olivia looked towards her parents, who were now sitting up, both their faces red, she then turned to her twin "what were they doing?" she asked. Lilianna sighed "Mom! Dad! Can we go open presenttssss!!" she begged. Michael sat up "oh sure. C'mon let's go" he got up, buttoning his shirt back up before picking up Liam and walking down to the tree, Noah and his three daughters following him.

        Olivia ran over to the tree "SANTA CAME!!!!!!" she exclaimed, gesturing to the large presents. Michael smiled, grabbing the stockings off the couch "let's open up your stockings first" he smiled and sat down with Liam, giving him a small present out of his stocking "open it up bud" he smiled, kissing his son's forehead. The girls also got their stockings and started unwrapping their gifts, Noah stayed to the side, picking up wrapping paper as the kids dropped it on the floor. Once the stockings were finished they moved to the presents under the tree "Noah can you grab each of the kids a gift from us?" he asked, still holding his son as he played with his new toys. Noah nodded, handing each kid a gift "okay open them" he said. The girls tore open the wrapping paper while Michael helped Liam unwrap the present "Momma's got you bud" he smiled, ruffling his youngest child's hair. Olivia smiled and ran to hug her dad "I GET TO GO TO ART CAMP!!!!!!" she exclaimed, holding the brochure. Noah nodded and smiled "Merry Christmas Olivia," he said, ruffling her curly red hair. Lilianna smiled, "I got more books!!!" she exclaimed, as Noah walked over, picking up all the torn wrapping paper. Scarlette smiled, pulling out the toy doctor bag "Dwoc! Dwoc!" she babbled.

         Michael sighed, getting up and grabbing another four presents, handing one to each child "okay open them" he sat back down, helping Liam open his next present. This cycle continued until all the presents were open, Noah picking up every piece of wrapping paper. Scarlette toddled off with her younger brother to go play with their new toys. Olivia sat on the floor, reading her book about color theory. Lilianna sat at the table completing her puzzle of Mount Rushmore. Michael smiled, lying on the couch when he heard a knock on the door "Babbeeee go get the doorrrr!!" he yelled, draping himself over the arm of the couch. Noah sighed, rolling his eyes and opening the door "Oh you guys are here early- dinner's not until 7 am...and it's 8 am-" he stated, letting in his mother-in-law. Roselle smiled, gracefully striding into the house, her wife and step-daughter following her "We're here early cause I have presents!!" she smiled, walking over to her grandchildren "Kids- Grandma Rose has gifts for you" she smiled, handing each child three gifts "One's from me, one's from your step-grandma, and one is from your aunt" she explained, watching the kids open their presents, Noah running over and picking up all the wrapping paper. Olivia smiled "MORE ART SUPPLIES!!!" she exclaimed, running over to her grandma and hugging her. Lilianna smiled "Oooh a book series about Greek Mythology" she smiled. Evan appeared beside her "those are good books, I have the next series when you finish that one" he said, patting his niece's head. Michael looked up "Ev do you have a gift for them?" he asked, the teenage boy nodded "Beth has em but she's with her girlfriend" he scoffed, rolling his eyes. Michael nodded and turned back to his husband "Noaaaahhhhhh" he called, gazing into the redhead's icy blue eyes. Noah ignored him and walked to the kitchen to set a few things on the counter "Breakfast is ready!" he called. 

                 Michael got up "Is that why you were ignoring me?" he asked, walking over and holding onto his husband's arm. Noah sighed, kissing the brunette's forehead "just grab some food" he smiled softly before walking over to the door as he heard a knock. The redhead opened the door "Oh....I didn't know Michael invited you-" he spat, glaring at his father-in-law. William stood in the doorway "I didn't expect you to be here Carter-" he scoffed, turning away. Noah glared at the older man "I live here you asshole-" he responded, resisting the urge to slam the door in Afton's face. Henry quickly stepped between the two "Hello Noah- don't mind William. He's had a bad day...-" he explained, while holding Charlie and Sammy. Noah rolled his eyes "Whatever- come in. I just finished making breakfast" he said, walking back to Michael. William walked in, Henry behind him "Seems everyone is fine with you being here- except your son-in-law" he stated. William sighed and walked over to the couch, sitting down next to his grandkids "so how have you guys been?" he asked. Olivia turned "Oh Hi Grandpa William!" she smiled, brushing her doll's hair, her twin next to her, reading a book. Henry walked over and sat down as well "So...what present of yours was your favorite?" he asked, holding his two kids. Lilianna smiled  "I got a book about Women in Science" she exclaimed, her twin turned "I get to go to art camp!!" she giggled. Scarlette smiled and held up a toy "toy!" she smiled and sat next to Henry. William sighed "so food's ready?" he asked, leaning back on the couch

FNaF One-Shots (REMAKE!!!!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora