I want to spend my lifetime loving you

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Being able to call yourself Mrs. Styles


You peeked through the crack in the heavy church door, you saw the pews were packed. You saw the delicate lace aisle runner and at the end you saw your soon-to-be husband, Harry Styles, at the end quietly talking to his four groomsmen, his best friends/band mates. You still got butterflies at the sight of him. It had been three years since you met at the restaurant you waitressed at. He slipped you his number with the check, that had been the beginning of a whirlwind romance.

“Y/N, are you ready?” your father asked gently “It’s about time they are about to start the organ.”

You nodded and took your place beside him as the doors were opened. Everyone stood as the familiar tune started, your eyes traveled to Harry. He quickly adjusted his bow-tie and his piercing green eyes swept up to meet yours. You took a deep breath and stepped into your new life as Mrs. Styles.

Harry Styles ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now