Eighteen || Falter

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  "Which isn't very long at all," he reminds me. 

  "True, but it is worth noting that this is a first," I explain. 

  "Well, regardless, will you be alright at the ranch til Mr Taylor gets back or do you want me to cancel?" 

     Finally he turns to look me over, gauging my response intently.

  "Do you want me to want you to cancel?" I ask, on the back foot. 

  "Answer the question." He sighs, that slight smile sneaking back onto his face. "I can always give you a ride into town if you want to give Scarlett a call," he offers, impatiently. 

  "I would be fine in the house until Uncle Deacon gets back, but--"

  "But?" He interjects, pressing me. 

  "Well I don't want to be the only one without plans," I smile, trying to keep hold of this energy, this sense of excitement, of hope. 

    It seems the energy is infectious, as even Beau shoots me a calming smile. 

  "Well, get yourself ready, give her a call, and I'll meet you at the ranch house in an hour?"

  "I need to put Dusk back in the stable and--" My mind suddenly begins racing, thinking on all of the things yet to be done before I can leave on this night free from training. 

  "Let me handle it," Beau insists. "Go get yourself ready." 

He doesn't have to tell me twice. I hop down off the fence and begin running back to the porch house. As I reach the steps, my body pulls me to a halt as I sneak a look back at him, on the long road walking Dusk back towards the stable. Something in me falters, almost flutters at the sight. I shrug it off, pushing off again inside to begin getting ready. 

But first, to call Scarlett. 


     Beau's truck has a splutter in the engine that makes me nervous, but he doesn't seem to mind. It's an old chevy in deep emerald green with those big headlights at the front. It's not the oldest paint job in the world but it definitely could do with some love. A smooth jazz number melts out of the speakers as we drive, and if I didn't notice the obvious modernity that creeps ever closer to the heart of the valley, I would swear we had fallen back in time, riding in this vintage wagon with nostalgic music settling into the firefly light. 

Scarlett was quick to find plans when I informed her that I was free for the night, and jabbered directions and a bar to meet her and the boys-- Cawley, Earl and John-Joe-- for a drink. Wear something nice she said. It's Saturday. I don't know exactly what that means, but I think a nice pair of ripped jeans and a t-shirt will do. 

"Are you sure she said the Blue Moon and not the Blue Lagoon?" Beau asks for what feels like the hundredth time as we drive further out of the valley, so far that I start to wonder if I had misheard her. 

"I'm sure. I think," I reply, doubt creeping in. "I... She said it fast and threw addresses at me before I had a chance to--" 

"What address?" He asks. 

"347 North Cedar--" 

"The Blue Lagoon," he nods, immediately searching for a point to turn the truck. "I knew it was too far to go all the way to the Blue Moon." 

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