"My people, Tsu'tey will lead the war party," Eytukan declared to the listening clan from where he stood just below the totem, the elder Na'vi leader raising a fist in the air. The Omaticaya erupted in a roaring war cry, bows raised and tails thrashing as they bared their fangs. Ruth looked around at all who cheered as her heart sank, her eyes eventually landing on Tsu'tey where he stood just a few paces away from her.

Tsu'tey had turned something fierce from the time he left for the hunt in the early morning and returned to Hometree, having witnessed the destruction of the clans sacred site. Going from high spirits when he'd left for his hunt to hollow and vengeful upon his return, he was poised to snap at any moment.

Ruth tentatively stepped forward to grab Tsu'tey's elbow, that of which caused him to quickly look back. His expression softened slightly from the grimace he'd held once he realized it was her, but did not betray his grief and rage. Revenge would only begin to sate the fury inside him.

"Please," she murmured in English. "Attacking them will not right their wrong. Many will die if you attack them. You know this." She knew an attack against the firepower of the humans would be futile. She was far from versed in military logistics or operations, but Ruth knew Hell's Gate had enough weaponry to decimate the forests within four hundred clicks of it. The clans arrows and blades wouldn't do justice in the slightest, not with the numbers of the clan alone. The humans would decimate them.

He shook his head in reply, ears pinned back against his skull. His jaw jutted forward as he frowned angrily, as if he were trying to contain himself from all of the emotion that brewed under the surface. "No, Ruth," he replied as the clan continued to rally around them, their loudness almost deafeningly. "The people will avenge their sacred place." He pulled away from her grip, leaving her hand falling to her side, his touch phantom on her skin. Her features contorted into a pained frown and she shook her head, but the parting of those standing a crossed from them drew her attention.

Neytiri gazed around, her eyes wide. Ruth's own eyes wandered to where her hand gripped Jake's, who followed close behind her. Ruth's heart dropped in realization. Instantly, Ruth began to connect dots she didn't know were there. Quaritch had Jake here with the clan for a reason, she'd known, but had never known why. He'd never actually told her. His vague warning to remain ready for anything flashed a crossed her memory and she began to pray that this all wasn't at the hands of her friend. Someone she'd grown to care for like a brother. Because of his complacency to just tell her, this could have been avoided. Her chest blossom with rage the longer she looked at him.

"You!" Tsu'tey quickly peeled away from where he stood by Ruth, charging for Jake, as if he were the single reason for the attack on their sacred site. It was perhaps the truth, Ruth had begun to believe. A shove against his Jake's chest by Tsu'tey quickly earned the defensive retort of Neytiri, who hissed and demanded he stepped away, her forearm trying to shove him back. Ruth already knew the other truth that was apparent just by seeing it all unravel, but the clan would now see it as well. It would appear there were no more secrets for Jake.

Shit is about to hit the fan, the scientist thought to herself in a panic. In the back of her mind, she was grateful she and Tsu'tey hadn't caved to mating the night before, something that would have been far more final she began to realize. The demands of desire had muddled her reasoning could have made this so much worse. She could only imagine how much worse this all could be despite already being bad.

Tsu'tey, with Neytiri's body creating a barrier between the angry male and Jake, let out an indignant growl. His body language told Ruth enough the longer she watched. He knew what they had done and what it meant. His tail thrashed behind him as he pointed an accusing finger and spat at Jake, "Have you mated with this woman?"

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