Chapter 1: Enter Sophie

Start from the beginning

The currently present three out of the four members GanGan Galaxy genuinely look confused.

"Ummm yeah, what else is there to think about?" Gingka, Yu and Masamune all say at the same time.

Madoka signs in defeat because of the unsurprising trio's answer. "Ahhh, why did I even ask you guys? My mistake for even asking such a silly question."

As Madoka continues to deal with the childish nonsense of GanGan Galaxy, the fourth and most sophisticated member out of the entire team appears...

And that was Tsubasa...

He returned to his team reading a map, trying to get a sense of how to operate around Greece.

"Come on." Tsubasa says. "We should get to the arena, isn't that why we came all the way to Greece anyways?"

Gingka excitedly remembers something. The main reason they all came to Greece. He was pumped for what was in store.

"Yeah that's right!" The Battle Bladers champion went on. "The Festival Of Warriors!"

Yu then gets excited and jumps in front of Gingka to say his part about the event.

"An awesome and huge event where Bladers all over Europe gather with each other to show off all of their skills!" After Yu finished his sentence, Masamune jumped in with his own piece of the puzzle.

He brings up a good point to the entire team. "I bet that guy from before is there too!"

Gingka then realizes exactly who Masamune is talking about...

Julian Konzern, and his bey, Gravity Destroyer...

"Julian Konzern, he'll definitely be there if he's apart of The EU Team." Gingka puts some more thought into it.

Masamune doesn't think much of the guy, so his opinion on him isn't a good one.

"He's such an irritating dude." Masamune went on. "He has an extremely large ego, but I'll admit, his power and strength is no joke, he's the real deal alright."

Yu and Gingka nod there heads in agreement about his comments on Julian, he was indeed a strong blader. Beating him during the World Championships was not going to be a stroll through the park.

But before they could get a chance to talk about him, Tsubasa buts in and reminds the rest of GanGan Galaxy that Julian wasn't the only thing they had to worry about.

He's not the only person we need to worry about." Tsubasa continues. "We'll definitely need to check out all the other Bladers as well. The European Union is massive my friends. It's an assembly of nations with 27 member countries. The members of the team representing them all are called Excalibur were picked from the winners of all those Bladers and their respective countries. They are truly a force made of the strongest Bladers. Our job right now is to find them and get to know each of them."

The team was now on track thanks to Tsubasa bringing them up to speed on Excalibur and how they came to be. Now they had some sort of a plan on what to do.

As such, Gingka adds in how excited he is about this. "You're right Tsubasa, that's the deal all right."

Yu couldn't hold in his excitement either. "Wow Tsubasa, that's AWESOME!" He went on. "So they're Europe's strongest Bladers? I can't wait until we meet them and see their battle style. It's gonna be so cool."

While GanGan Galaxy, excluding Tsubasa are all getting pumped up and excited about Excalibur and The Festival Of Warriors, Madoka, who still wanted to see the sites, decides to burst their bubble with a reminder.

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