A walking corpse

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I wake up with someone in my arms. The small, pigtailed girl looks up at me with her dark, empty eyes. The eyes of a demon. She smiles and buries her head into my chest. I feel warm as we lie there together. Nothing to worry about. No responsibilities to take care of. Just me and her. Together. I smile to myself as i reminisce the thought of her, she disappears. Into thin air. Almost as if she wasn't there at all.
"Wednesday? Come back! Please!" I shout. I find myself in a void of darkness. Floating endlessly. My heart feels as if it's been ripped from the rest of my body. A walking corpse. No purpose, but to find its heart again.
I jump up from my seat, as the doors of Principal Weems's large office slam.
"Come on." Wednesday says, in an irritated tone.
I blink a couple of times, trying to shake the dream, or nightmare i had just then.
"What are we doing?" I ask, following Wednesday.
"We're gonna pay Xavier a little visit." She responds.
"Not that i care, but are you feeling okay? You look bothered." She adds.
I gulp, and continue.
"I'm fine.."

♪ We got scales on scales on scales On scales on scales on scales ♪ ♪ On scales on scales on scales ♪

The choir team sings as me and Wednesday approach.
The girl i'm the front, who i assume is Bianca, holds her finger up, gesturing the team to stop.
"Weems said you'd be stopping by." She says.
"But to be honest, after your performance at the Harvest Festival, drama club might be more your speed." She adds on, annoyingly.
I furrow my eyebrows as Wednesday begins talking.
"After i took Y/N home, who did you tell? The sheriff?" She asks.
"You think i'd trust normie cops? I went straight to Ms Weems and let her handle it." She spits out, almost as if the words tasted sour in her mouth.
"Now, let's get this audition over with. What are you? Alto, soprano, or just loco?" Bianca says, as the team laughs behind her.
Wednesday takes a deep breath and opens her mouth for a second.
Windows begin breaking all around us, as almost half of the team covers their ears.
"What was that?" Bianca says?
"A note only dogs can hear." Wednesday replies.
As we both begin walking away, Bianca raises her finger again, gesturing them to keep rehearsing.
As me and Wednesday walk up to Xavier, we both watch as he shoots an arrow, and almost misses the target.
"Huh. You actually showed up. Ever shot a bow and arrow before?" He asks.
"Only on live targets." Wednesday replies.
"okay.." Xavier says, a bit of worry in his voice.
He demonstrates how to shoot an arrow to us, explaining the stance and grip.
"Any questions?" He asks.
"When was the last time you talked to your roommate, Rowan?" I ask.
"You mean the one that was killed by a monster? The harvest festival. Haven't talked to him since. His side of the room was all packed this morning, though." He says.
"Rowan's always been a little off, but, uh, the last couple weeks he's been more erratic. Telekinesis can mess with your head, you know. It started to freak me out." he adds.
He shoots another arrow, a little closer to the target,  before saying something else.
"So, uh, What's the deal with you two?" He looks at us.
Me and Wednesday share a glare and look back at him.
"I'm sorry, were you two the only one who got to ask non-archery questions?" He rhetorically asks.
He hands me the bow.
I shoot, directly into the middle of the target.
"Ouch." He says.
"Come on, Wednesday." I say.
She follows me as i walk away.
"Are you interested in the ancient art of beekeeping?" The short boy with glasses in front of us asks.
We both glare at him as he chuckles and throws his hand in front of us.
"Eugene. Eugene Ottinger. Founder and president of the Nevermore Hummers." He says.
"Wednesday. Wednesday Addams." Wednesday says, as she shakes his hand.
"Are we late? or is it just you." I ask.
"The hive life isn't for everyone. Most kids are afraid of venomous insects. Are you willing to feel the sting?" Eugene says, with a wide smile on his face.
I smile a little.
"Bees have been producing honey in the same way for 150 million years. They're nature's perfect community. All working together to achieve a common goal. Fun fact, it's also one of the few ecosystems in which females dominate. From the queen bee to her workers. There's no patriarchy in the hive!" He says, only to find us both missing.
"Rowan! We need to talk." Wednesday says, as we both approach Rowan. He was about to get in a car with Ms Thornhill, before we disturbed him.
"Wednesday, i'm not allowed to speak to anyone." He says, a small smile on his face.
"You had a lot to say when you tried to kill me. Told me I was destined to destroy the school, remember? Where did you get that drawing?" Wednesday asks.
"I just went into the woods to clear my head. Then you came after me." Rowan says, catching the attention of Ms Thornhill.
"Wednesday, you shouldn't be here. You neither
Y/N." She says, getting in the car.
"Yeah, back off and leave me alone." Rowan says, before getting into the car, slamming the door.
As the car drifts off, We both see thing on the bumper, giving a reassuring gesture. We both nod.
I sit with my back against the window of Wednesday and Enid's dorm, reading. The girls bicker as i finish the last page of Dracula, by Bram Stoker. Another one of my personal favorites. I stand up and inspect the cover of the book as i sit on Wednesdays bed. Since earlier, i can't seem to decode the meaning of my dreams. First, the monster, now this? Does this mean what i dream is supposed to come true? I haven't thought of Wednesday like this yet. It was new to me. How much a cold, lifeless person like her could make me feel so much warmth. Do i pursue it, or wait for it to happen? Will it happen if i don't pursue it? Too many questions, and far too little answers. I don't want to think of Wednesday like this. We have a good friendship. I don't want to ruin it based off a dream i had. I couldn't bear to lose another person i care so much for. Maybe it's best to just keep this to myself. I don't want this information to fall into the hands of Wednesday. Only god knows what she would do. Especially Enid. Ugh. The thought gives me shivers down my spine.
I lie back onto Wednesday's bed, as the girls continue bickering. I place the book over my eyes, and soon drift off into sleep.
This was actually pretty fun to write lol.
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