Chapter Nine

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I quickly go to the table we were sitting at during lunch and gather my stuff.

"Whoa! What's the rush, we still have another fifteen minutes of lunch." Charlie says beside me.

"I need to go and check on Josh."

"What about classes?" 

"I don't know Charlie, he needs me." Now I'm getting exasperated with all her questions.

I make a beeline for the principal's office just as the two boys exit the office. They both stand before me and Jasper is the first to speak. 

"I am really sorry Abby, I didn't want to do it but Brad forced me to be a part of the team. I know it's not an excuse but I really am sorry."

He leaves before I can give him an answer, although that could be because Josh is scowling at him. I turn to face Josh, "are you okay?" I ask.

He doesn't get to respond before Anricke comes barreling toward us.

"Oh my god! Josh, look at you. Will you be healed up in time for prom? That shouldn't be a problem though, we will put some makeup on it and you will be as good as new."

"That's all you have to say when your boyfriend is bloody and bruised?" I can't hide the disgust from my face.

Josh pipes up. "Anricke, I am not your anything and you know it! I am not your boyfriend, nor am I going to prom with you!"


"Josh!" Anricke cries. "Don't say that. You know how much you mean to me."

"Anricke, please leave me alone. You have caused enough problems for me and I literally have a headache right now."

He turns to look at me, "I am sorry for what happened in the cafeteria." Aww this sweet man, he apologizes to me when he is the one with a bloody nose and a plaster next to his eye.

"Josh." I sigh. "Now is not the time to talk about that."

"It's fine, you don't have to say anything. I'm so tired, I'm going to take the rest of the day off."

"Okay, I'll go with you." He looks at me as if he didn't expect that from me. "Don't look so shocked, you would've done the same for me."

We pack our things and head to the parking lot.

"Where are you parked?" he asks.

"Oh, I'm going with you," I say.

"Okay, let me call Daniel to come and get your car." He takes his phone out before I can stop him.

"No need to do that, my car went for a service today, and Mom dropped me off."

We quickly make our way toward his car and head home.


We quietly head to his place. When we get inside, I see Dora their maid, and greet her.

"Hi sweetheart, we haven't been seeing you around lately. I hope everything is okay."

"Everything is okay Dora."

"Oh my goodness, what happened to you?" she cries out when she sees Josh's face.

"It's alright Dora, it's nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about? Do you see your face? Do you think I enjoy seeing my son looking like his face was beaten to a bloody pulp?"

Josh looks sheepish as he says, "I'm sorry Dora, but you should've seen the other guy."

Before Dora can get into a huff I try to calm the situation.

"If you can point me towards the first aid kit Dora, I'll have him all sorted in no time."

"Oh, you sweet girl. I don't know what you see in this big head." And now it's my turn to look sheepish.

Josh lets me know that he has a first aid kit in his bedroom and I am grateful for that before Dora could continue her thoughts.

When we get to his bedroom, he sits on the toilet seat while I get to work cleaning him and bandaging him up.

"Abby, we will talk whether you like it or not." He looks up at me.

I don't know what to say to him so I ignore him and focus on what I am doing.

"Look, I don't know what you think you know about Anricke and me but it's not true." I roll my eyes at that.

"Anricke is not my girlfriend!" he states impatiently.

I'm annoyed that he is not honest with me. "So, what you just like give her daily updates of your life just for the fun of it?"

"It's more like I give you daily updates of my life for the fun of it." He mutters under his breath but I'm still able to hear it.

"I thought we were friends." My voice catches at the end because I'm near tears right now.

"We are best friends." He corrects

"Then why would you not tell me that you're taking Anricke to prom? Why would you run out of my house like you are on fire and not talk to me the whole weekend? Why would you tell Anricke that you were going to be late and not me?" I tried so hard, but a tear slips free.

He pulls me down onto his lap.

"I am not taking Anricke to prom and I was not ignoring you. I promise you, there is nothing going on with Anricke and me. Is that why you were going to go with Jasper to prom?"

I feel stupid now because of my actions. Knowing Josh though, he won't let me get away with not answering.

"Well, I thought you were going with Anricke and I already had a dress for prom so when Jasper asked I said why not. However, it's not like I wanted to make you jealous or anything." I look away for fear that he will see right through me.

He pulls my face to look at him.

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