Chapter Two

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Abby - 16 years

I don't know why he has to be so damn handsome! 

I guess Samantha's actions scare me more than they infuriate me because I fear that he will one day decide to take these girls up on their offers. 

He is off to college next year and it will be two years before I can join him. I don't expect him to pass up university girls, but it stings a little that in the next year I could lose something that I did not have in the first place. 

Even I can admit those girls are seriously beautiful and admitting that hurts more than ever because I want to be the most beautiful girl that Josh sees. Ugh! Thinking about this will give me a headache.

The day drags on until it is finally lunchtime, not that I'm looking forward to that either. 

As soon as the bell rings signaling lunchtime, I make a dash toward my locker. I get there and see Josh leaning against it. He moves when I reach my locker and slips my bag off my shoulders. I open the zipper and exchange my books, putting the ones that I used in the classes before lunchtime back in my locker. 

We work together in companionable silence, that is until... "Josh, I'm glad I caught you, I have something that I want to run by you regarding our project." Giggle, giggle. Eye roll moment right there.

"Oh. What do you want to talk about regarding the project?" Josh asks her while I'm still fiddling inside my locker, and he is holding my bag.

"Can we meet later at The Wacky Shack? We can go over it there." Oh, hell no, I don't think so missy. 

The Wacky Shack is a hang-out spot for high schoolers and that is where most of the girls in our school lose their virginity. In The Wacky Shack's bathrooms! 

If they go there together, everyone will think that they are on a date. I can't let that happen to Josh. Wait, what if he wants to go on a date with her?! Nope, he doesn't and I'm actually doing him a favor.

I don't think about my next move, I just do it. I close my locker; with a calmness I didn't know I possessed at this moment and turn to face Joshua. I wrap my hands around his neck and whisper, not so loudly, in his ear. 

"I'm heading to the ladies, please get my lunch for me."

I see that I've surprised him, not because of the act, we have always been touchy-feely with each other and it's nothing new between us. What shocked him is the fact that I would so boldly do this with other people around. I don't like it when all eyes are on me and I know that right now all eyes are on me. I can't find it in me to care though, I need this girl to stop sniffing around my Josh.

He swallows then replies, "Sure thing."

Okay, I should've thought this through because I am starting to feel lightheaded with all these feelings and hormones. 

I kiss his cheek and let go of him to head toward the girls' toilets. Before I go in, I turn to see that Miss giggles is still standing there so I yell, "Josh, can I please have the double patty cheeseburger."

That gets him moving because he knows that is rather popular and is sold out within minutes. He heads towards the cafeteria, and I can breathe easily again. 

I enter the stall and do my business, when I exit the stall, I see Miss giggles standing by the sink and putting on lipstick. I wash my hands and will her to not say anything to me and let me leave quietly, but I am out of luck it seems.

"Hey, you're Josh's kid neighbor right?" she asks and as I'm about to answer she continues, "Well, Josh said that he likes me and wants to go on a date but doesn't want to abandon you because you kind of don't have any friends. 

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