Chapter 17

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It was about two days after Adel and Bucky met Team Red that they ran into an Avenger. Adel had just finished his classes for the day, lamenting how the professors were piling more work on them in, what he thought, was an attempt from keeping the college students from going out on Halloween to cause mayhem among the unsuspecting public.

The only saving grace was that said Avenger did not recognize Bucky whatsoever.

"I am so sorry!" Bruce Banner said as his hands hovered uncertainly in the air, watching with wide eyes as his hour-old coffee seeped into Bucky's denim jacket. "I'm so sorry. I can- I can replace it-"

"It's fine." Bucky soothed because it looked like Bruce's head was going to explode with how red it got. "It was an accident, it's okay." He shed his outer coat to reveal his black hoodie, carefully folding up the dirty jacket. He put it in Adel's backpack when the college student silently turned around. "Can I ask where you're heading off to?"

The doctor pointed to his left down the road. "I was heading to the Egyptian museum a few blocks down. I thought, well, if Thor's real then maybe the other gods are, too."

Adel perked up as much as he could when his face was obscured by his circle sunglasses. "We were just heading there, too!" He didn't turn to look at Bucky's expression, but his lips did twitch slightly in amusement when he felt his best friend poke his side in disbelief. "We just got a little lost."

"Oh!" Bruce's face lit up with surprise. "I can show you where it is. They're doing tours half off right now, so this is the best time to go."

"Lead on, then." Adel gestured and let the doctor was a bit in front of them as he took his phone from his pocket. Immediately, a text lit up the screen.

Big Bitch: what the fuck??? a museum???

Little Bitch: can you imagine captain america's reaction when he realizes we're already friends with one of his teammates?

Big Bitch: but a tour? you just said that you could sleeo for years

Little Bitch: sleeo

Big Bitch: stfu

Little Bitch: make me

Bucky didn't respond to the text, instead sticking his foot out to trip his best friend, who went tumbling down with a startled shout. The super soldier didn't say anything to Bruce when he turned around to look at him, and he ignored Winter's grumbling like a champ.

Adel caught up, muttering under his breath as he brushed some dirt off of his dark red sweater. He glanced over at Bucky and rolled his eyes at the smirk he could see on the soldier's face. "We didn't introduce ourselves, did we?"

Bruce stopped walking at that, his mouth dropping open. "I am so sorry." He sputtered, holding out his hand as his face flushed red in embarrassment. "Bruce."

"James." Bucky smiled, smoothly intercepting the handshake so Adel didn't have to. "This is Adel."

"Apologize a lot, do we?" Adel raised an eyebrow, but his tone was gentle as he regarded the other man. "Did you already book a tour with a guide?"

"Yes." The doctor looked relieved, taking the change of subject as it was. "He didn't have anyone lined up for him, probably because he's new, but I met him for a little bit, and he seems really nice. I hope he doesn't mind me adding two more people."

Adel shrugged, pushing his hair back from his forehead for moment so he could adjust his sunglasses. "We can tip him extra." He held the door to the museum open for the other two and a bit longer for the woman behind him in the wheelchair. She had patted his hand and called him a sweet dear and he was gracious enough to only pull a grimace at the action when she was well ahead of him. 

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