36. A water ballet

Start from the beginning

It's the adrenaline that finally breaks the floor beneath her feet. That, and the notion that it's all in her head anyway.

Suddenly she falls and she falls, deeper and deeper into a weird nothingness of darkness. She keeps falling, feeling nothing but determination, until the darkness turns into a blinding, painful white light. A light that surrounds every corner of everything around her. A light that becomes more and more realistic, more and more clear with every second that passes. Voices are suddenly around her too, real voices, not voices just existing in her head. Not echoes. Real people talking around her. And the light turns into a lamp, somewhere above her head, an annoying white lamp surrounded by the white walls of an annoying lab.

It doesn't take long for Dahlia to realize that she has woken up. Hearing the beeping of her heart monitor grow louder with every second that passes, she knows that they will realize it soon too. That's all it takes for her to jump into action, putting aside the drowsiness that is about to hit her sooner or later.

"We need a doctor in here, her heartbeat is-"

Dahlia opens her eyes fully, nothing but a blurry image seen in front of her. She sees the shadows of two nurses move around in the room, and before they can actually call for that doctor she sits up way faster than she probably should've. The room spins but Dahlia doesn't, she refuses to. Reaching out, she grabs a hold of the bed and pushes herself to stand, even as the nurses around her begin to panic and move around, trying to push her back down.

"Stop, stop, get her down!"

"Lay back down! F*ck!"

Dahlia doesn't care about that. She fights off their hands despite her weak state, hoping that whatever powers she has now gained might amp up her strength. Maybe they have, somehow, because Dahlia manages to actually stand up fully and push two nurses to the side. Slowly her vision unblurrs, bit by bit, in the chaos of the situation. Dahlia glances down at herself and thanks god she isn't dressed in a hospital gown, knowing how embarrassing it is with a whole opening in the back. Instead she is in some kind of white lab dress with short sleeves and matching white buttons.

"The doctor is on his way!"

"Call the guards too, you don't.... - what she's capable ..... - powers"

Their voices are loud and shrill in her ears, becoming harder and harder to hear. Whatever drugs they had put her on to keep her asleep hit her like a truck, along with some nausea, dizziness and failing hearing. But Dahlia is determined not to give up. She doesn't care if she goes blind, deaf or if she pukes all over the floor, she is getting out of here no matter what. Pushing yet another nurse to the side, Dahlia heads for the door while stumbling over her feet. The room spins and spins but Dahlia still sees one of the nurses coming towards her, needle in hand. It's a classic move. Dahlia sees it coming from a mile away.

Lifting her leg up in a risky move, Dahlia somehow avoids losing her balance and kicks that woman in her stomach, sending her falling to the floor. As quickly as she can, she lowers her foot back down to stabilize herself. The lab can't be a very big one, because in just a matter of seconds she is standing right by the door. Above her, white lab lights are blinding her eyes, and below her the clean white tile floor is smooth enough to slip on. In a moment of clarity, before reaching for the door-handle, Dahlia turns to the side and grabs a pair of surgical scissors from the table next to her. Other metal instruments clatter to the floor, along with bloody bandages and loose sewing needles. Swinging around dangerously with the large metal scissors, Dahlia threatens to cut the throat of anybody who dares to come near.

Just as she opens the door, she feels a nurse grabbing her by the hand.

"It can't be that hard to just grab her!"

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