Wille pov:

"How much time, of the time we spend there, do Simon and I have to see something?" I asked my mother cause Simon and I already started to plan some activities. "From the 4 days we are there you have 3 to do what you want. Under the premission you have bodyguards around you. One of them would be Malin of course." she said, still typing something into her laptop. "Yeah thats okay. Thank you." I said, while turning around to leave. "Dont let me regret it." She said without looking up. "I won't." I answered and with that I left the room.

"We're definitely going to the Eiffel Tower. Promise?" Simon asked in the plane. "We are. If we're out of this metal bird that would be enough for me." I hated flying, even though I had to do it more as a crown prince now. When I was just a prince, Erik had to fly and I stayed at the palace, with my nanny. "How are you so calm?" I asked Simme. "I haven't come out of Sweden very often in the last few years. So I am a bit exited. That covers my nervousness." he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"What should I do now while you're talking in there?" Simon asked and I knew what he was supposed to do.  We stood infront of the conference room. Mom said I have too let te paparazzi take a few pics and then answere some questions. "I could ask my mom but I am pretty sure you are supossed to come with me. At least for the photos." I said and his eyes went wide. "They are just making a few photos and then you can sit down and listen to your beautiful prince aswering questions." I said laughing but Simon stoped it with a kiss. "Bet I could do that."

"Whats your sexuality?" Was the third question after the photos. "No comment." I didnt knew. I just said my sexuality was Simon. But Simon  was also the only one who I ever told that. "What are you plans while being in Paris?" another reporter asked. I thought for a second and then looked to Simon who was sitting behind the many reporters. "Spend some time with my boyfriend." I said and smiled. A murmur went through the crowd and more questions rained down on me. It was still a bit wired calling Simme my boyfirend in public but I got used to it more and more. I could see Simon smiling and turing a bit red. I just stared at him and didin't listen to the reporters so my mother had to answere a few political questions.

The next days were really quite. It rained a bit in Paris on the second day so we played some games in our hotel room. Even when my mother hesitated, I was able to persuade her to give us one room for the both of us.
We also made out so much that pur lips hurted a bit. It didnt stoped us though.

On the third day we went to a little breakfast restaurant and I got Malin to sit across the street on a bench.
We had croissants. It was really tasty. I made a picture with Simon and the food on it and prepared a story to post when we were away. And I did. After that we went to the Eifel Tower, watched the people who looked like ants and made cute  pictures. One of them we posted on both our Instagram profiles and made as a caption:

Paris with you...🇨🇵❤️

I got into a little fight with my mom because of posting things without permission, but she gave up because I wouldn't delete it and I changed my passwords so they couldn't take it down.

On the fourth day we packed our stuff, but still walked a bit through Paris together, stopping for food a few times, cause it felt like Simon found a new stand every 15 minutes. It was tasty though. Before we went to bed that day, we scrolled through twitter to find funny memes about the photos a few paparazzis took of us that day.

One comment under one of the photos was:

"What a shame for royalty. What kind of world do I actually live in?"

And I just slowly started to cry.
"Hey?" Simon asked concerned. "Whats wrong baby?" "What did I do wrong, Simme?" I asked him. "Why are people so hatefull?" I asked further. "Because there just Idiots that are on this planet. Dont listen to it okay? You have me and I could never hate you. I promise."  he calmed me down and hugged me.  "I love you Simon." I said. "I love you more" he said without hesitation and kissed me. It was light, calm, full of love.

Simon pov:

The next day we arrived at the airport in sweden and got our suitcases. Through the glassdoor I could see my mom and got very exited. I missed her a lot. I have seen her almost every day for the past years. As he could read my mind Wille said: "Malin, could you take Simons suitcase for a second?" She nodded and took it. "Thank you." I said to her and Wille and turned towards my mother. "I am back home." I wispered in her ear after I ran into her hug. "Your home sweetheart!" She said laughing.

"Does Wille come with us?" She asked smiling, when the rest of our group arrived. I looked at Wille who looked directly at his mom with the same question writin on his face. The queen looked around. In the distance you could already see reporter with mikrophones and cameras. She rolled with her eyes, gave a sign to Malin to put Wille suitcase into my moms car.

"Thank you for the week in Paris, Wille." I said gave him a kiss and got into the car. "Everytime, forever." he said and held my hand, while laying his head on my shoulder.

He stayed at mine for the next few days and we told mom everything about the trip. It was the first time Wille was at mine for longer then just one night.

On the last day we laid in my bed. He rolled over and took me in his arms. "I cant wait to have a whole life of this." he whispered in my ear and kissed it. And I didn't know it was possible but I fell in love with him even more.
Longer one:) I swear the god if there isnt one smiling Wilmon scene in s3 I'll cry.

I got this anxious feeling, but it goes away for a minute when I am with you breathing ~ The neighborhood

Wilmon one shots Where stories live. Discover now