Chapter 34 - The Mask Slips

Start from the beginning

"No, and I don't care either."

"You never did," Matthew sighed, laying the tips of his fingers against each other. "But I agree. We very much need to talk. Where have you been?"

Taken aback by his question, Lizzie blinked. "What?"

"I expected you to come home yesterday. In fact, I believe I told you to come home, but you didn't. So, where were you?"

A tingle spread from the pit of Lizzie's stomach into the rest of her, but it wasn't a pleasant sensation. "That's none of your business."

"Let me tell you where you've been," Matthew said as if Lizzie hadn't spoken at all. He stepped out from behind his desk. "I know where you went while I was here, waiting for you after letting your friends humiliate me. I could have given that arrogant bitch of a scout a piece of my mind, but I didn't, because of you. I would've thought that you'd do something nice for me in return, and it really isn't too much to ask of your fiancée to not go and fuck her ex the second he whistles for her, is it? But it looks like I was wrong. I was wrong about a lot of things."

He shook his head at her accusingly. "I trusted you, you know? Even after everything you've done to me, I still trusted you. I'm so disappointed in you, Lizzie."

Despite everything, Matthew's words still stung. Refusing to give in to the feeling, Lizzie held onto her anger. Her patience had run out.

"There's been no trust between us for a long time."

"And that's all your fault."

"My fault?" Lizzie laughed bitterly. "Hardly. You never deserved my trust in the first place."

Matthew's expression was guarded. "What do you mean?"

"You're not the only one who learned some news today. I just had dinner with Erika Rath."

"Did you, now?"

"She wanted to talk to me, and I thought it was because of Skye. Guess what - it wasn't."

She told Matthew everything Erika had said, about her bad reputation, the rumours, the turned down offers; about the envelope in her pocket, however, she didn't lose a word.

"And you believe her?" Matthew asked after Lizzie was done.

"Surprisingly, I do."

"Have you ever thought that she might be manipulating you?" Matthew pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "Oh, Lizzie, Lizzie. My silly little Lizzie. How lost you'd be without me. You really believe anyone who tells you what you want to hear, don't you?"

"Erika wouldn't lie to me. I've known her half my life."

"Precisely, and that's how she's playing you. You're a trusty person, so they've sent Erika Rath to play on your sentimental side. I would've thought you smarter than to fall for this, but then again, I would've thought you smarter in general."

"The only one here playing me is you."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm not. I should've seen it long ago, long before you drove everyone who would tell me otherwise away from me."

"Listen to yourself," Matthew rolled his eyes, "as if I forced you to cut ties with anyone. All I did was to protect you. I was the only one to be honest with you, who stuck with you through everything. I even asked you to marry me, despite better judgement. All that you've accomplished, it's only because I was there to help you."

His face twisted into a snarl. "And yet you stand here, making me responsible for your bad decisions falling back on you. I did everything for you, and I would have done even more. I'd have given you the world! Why won't you see that?"

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