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The black rabbit, Ethan. Wonderland's herald, eighteen years of age, with heartstrings that strum the melody of affection. Eyes of molten gold has set its gaze on the lithe form of a graceful lad with hair as stunning as scarlet camellias. A redhead with the name of Silver, pertaining to his wonderful, gleaming eyes.

Silver stands in the midst of a lush verdant field with enchanting butterflies. His enticing locks sways with the breeze as he studies the wild blooms that weren't native to the world above Wonderland. Ethan watches as the usual passive look brightens as a smile stretches his lips. It was so pretty that Ethan's heart soars almost as high as the clouds above.

His gloved hands almost reached out, perhaps simply to caress, adore, and kiss his magnificent hair. But his fingers twitched, and he retreated, his fists tightening. The black rabbit tucked his quivering fingers behind his back to quell the gnawing desires.

As much as he wanted to touch him, to voice out his feelings, to kiss every inch of his supple skin, he-

"Ethan, what are these?" A voice calls. The apple of his eyes had his sight on the rabbit hybrid. His gaze has wonder on it as he gestures to the golden flowers tickling the breeches he wore. Ethan was caught off guard, seemingly unprepared to have Silver's full attention and the color of rose dusted the rabbit's cheeks.

"Ethan?" A gloved hand ascends to hide his lips, coughing as he attempts to regain his composure. Silver takes a step forward, a little too close for Ethan's taste. He reaches out, his delicate fingers stroking the black hair that veil his golden eyes from his view. "You look a little flushed," Silver said, his gaze narrowing. "Are you ill? Were you trying to keep something from me?"

"No, I'm fine. It's simply the heat of the sun," Ethan says, waving him off. He took a few steps back. That was perilous. They were so close that he almost couldn't resist kissing him! "To answer your query, those blooms are known as Heart Gold. They bloom when they are in the presence of someone with a golden heart."

"Interesting! So, how about those? " Silver points at the gray blossoms blooming beneath Ethan's feet. The hybrid smiles sadly as he kneels to pick it up. The flowers were lovely, their petals sparkling in the morning sunbeams. "These are known as Soul Silver. When a person's soul is filled with remorse, it grows."

"What exactly do you mean? " Ethan glances up to see Silver's eyes filled with confusion. He didn't respond and rose up to take in some fresh air. He pretends to check the time by looking at the timepiece he has fastened to his waist.

"Reminds me, the Mad Hatter is seeking for us. We should get moving," he says as he turns around, leaving Silver staring at his departing back.

It is a mistake to love Silver. It was his very first blunder. Foolish. How foolish he was. Ethan doesn't deserve someone like Silver. The hybrid is deceitful and vile like the queen he serves.

After all, Silver's descent into the rabbit hole was not an accident. Ethan had planned it all along.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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