Chapter 15- Happy Birthday!

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Sorry the chapter was short! I was tryna get it out, and I wanted this chapter to follow this one quickly, as I have every word planned out in my head right now. I have to write it quick before the writers block hits. Oh, damn, that rhymed lol.

Mari pov-

It was finally time to put operation Birthday Girl into action.

I was really excited, though I felt bad for not being able to attend dinner nor the presents. Hopefully this would be enough to make up for it and get my niece to forgive my absence.

The concert was going to be held at the huge park that Gotham had, since it was the only place big enough to have it take place, and I wanted it outside for a specific reason. That reason being that there was going to be several food shacks there with the concert so that people could eat freely, and I had personally made sure that there was going to be a few clothing stands full of winter clothes, blankets, pillows, and other things that were specifically for the street kids of Crime Alley, which was The Red Hood's territory.

Jason had taken me there over the past week so that I could meet all of the Gotham street kids that he protected, and all of the working girls as well, and after surprisingly quickly gaining their trust and being held as the favorite for them, I had told them my plan of getting them a LOT of free food, clothes, and other things that I knew they were going to need, and that I was planning on buying a couple of the huge buildings that were in Crime Alley, because Jason and I had thought about making a huge hotel kind of building for all of them, a safe haven for them to live in to go to that was off of the streets and protected from any bad things that came for the kids. But, what I didn't tell Jason, was that I was actually planning on buying all of Crime Alley. I had the money for it, so I didn't need to worry about that, and I was going to see if Tim, Dick, and Dad would be able to help me get what I had planned done. It was going to be my Christmas present for Jason, and I was planning on buying Crime Alley and the Narrows so that I could get the poor part of the city back up with the rest of Gotham. I wanted everyone that lived there to not have to worry about safety, food, power, having a safe place to sleep and keep warm, and not have to worry about anything bad happening to them. 

I was also setting up an education program for Crime Alley, that way those who didn't have but wanted an education so that they could get jobs would be able to with no problem, and that was also unknown to Jay. However, I had told Alfred of my plans, and he was so proud that he had tears in his eyes, and he said that he would help me to the best of his ability. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone alarm went off. The concert was going to start in a few minutes, and I was ready to go, as were my friends. Chloe, Nino, Alix, Kim, and our other two friends, Luka Stone and Kagami Tsurgi, had arrived to do the concert with us, and Luka, my older cousin, had collaborated with me to make my concert the end of his world tour that he and Jagged have been on for the past few months, and Jagged had come as a surprise guest, and he and Luka were also going to perform at the concert as well. Jason didn't know that Jagged was here, as my dear older brother was his biggest fan, so I was going to surprise him with that, which Uncle Jagged and Auntie Penny had eagerly agreed, wanting to meet their old friend, my Dad, again and meet my family.

What could I say? I had a plan for EVERYTHING.

A bitch has to be prepared for the unexpected.

Anyway, I was walking with my band of friends across the stage to get to our places, listening to the entire crowd go crazy and scream out their cheers and chants, and I smiled my million watt smile, taking in the praises from the audience. My friends got to their usual places, Luka standing next to me with is favorite guitar, and he sighed contentedly. Once the crowd quieted down, I grabbed the mic, tested it, then spoke. 

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