Chapter 9- What We Do For Family

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Marinette pov-
Why couldn't I be right, just for one time, one minute, one second?

Just once was all I asked for.

But was I able to have that?


Of course not.

I was in my free period class, just finishing lunch with Dami, Jon, Timmy, and JayJay, my friends as well, and when I realized that this was the one class that I had without any of my friends or family, I was panicking inside.

I was alone in this class, and had no back up, or anyone that I could trust, and to make matters worse, I recognized the teacher.

Mr. Baxter, the one teacher that traumatized me the most from when Jason and I used to go to this school. The man hated me and my brother, always had it out for us, and never left me in particular alone. He was a damn creep, and I was terrified of him.

Just when I thought my life couldn't get any worse, Adrien, Alya, and Lila walked into the room, and I paled.

I was screwed.

I needed out of this damn class, out of this building. I wanted Jason, and I wanted to be back home in the manor, safe and sound.

I didn't want to be here anymore.

I just wanted to go home and be away from everyone and everything, to be okay and not have to worry about anyone.

But, life isn't fair, and life is a damn bitch.

I put my head on my desk and curled in on myself, not realizing that my emotions were going to my bracelet, and I was trying to force myself to stay calm and tried to think of when I was going to be able to go home, but my anxiety was slowly getting worse.
I had only been in the class for 10 minutes and I was already dreading the rest of the school year.

Why was I even alive? Why? Good clearly had it out for me.

As the terror trio sat down, coincidentally around me, I didn't do anything except silently stare at my desk, listening to all of the verbal, emotional, and mental abuse that was getting sent to me by literally everyone in the class, the teacher especially, and my heart was racing as I felt my throat start to close.

Halfway through the class, everyone was coming at me from all sides, and I couldn't handle it anymore. I didn't notice when I accidentally pressed the button on my bracelet, or when my emotions made the bracelet go crazy, or anything else. My mind didn't register when I had got up from my desk and ran from the class crying and having a panic attack, and I didn't realize that I had bolted past teachers, students, staff members, or when I ran past Damian, and that I had ran out of the school as fast as I could, running into the city and not paying attention to where I was going.

All I knew was that I had to get out, had to get away from Gotham Academy.

By the time I came to my senses, I had sprinted all the way back to Wayne manor, crying and gasping for air. I threw the door open and tore through the manor, running down the halls and through the secret entrance to the batcave, and, seeing my dad at the bat computer with Mom, Dick and Babs, I sprinted forward and crashed into him at full speed, knocking him out of his chair and flooring him. I was sobbing and breaking down with my panic attack, hugging him tightly and curling into my dad, fearing that if I let go he would vanish.

Bruce hugged me back and tried to calm me down, but my emotions and brain couldn't stop. Babs jumped to the computer and sent out a family emergency to the family, and I was shaking uncontrollably in Bruce's lap, crying into his chest and letting all of my emotions out, my bracelet still going crazy.

5 minutes later, Damian and Jon ran into the cave, followed by Tim a couple seconds after, and Cass and Steph came, then Duke, and last but not least a very frantic Jason in his Red Hood suit, shouting into the phone at what I figured out was his gang, and I started crying even harder, and I wasn't able to stop.

"Pixie Pop... what the fuck happened to her, Kryptonian? I told you and Demon Spawn to protect my little girl, and I was VERY clear on that. What the fuck happened?!" Jason shouted, making me flinch at how mad he sounded. Damian started yelling at Jay for going after Jon like that, and Tim called Chloe while hacking into the school cameras to find out, because I wasn't able to speak.

My dad rocked me back and forth and rubbed my back, doing everything he could to try and calm me down, but it wasn't working. Dick broke Damian and Jason's fight up and snapped at them, and Jay gently pulled me from Bruce and cradled me in his lap. I clung to him like a lifeline, and I tried to calm down enough that I could talk.

"Hey, Pixie, it's okay, it's okay. You're safe now, alright? You're safe, and all of us are here. I've got you, Sweetheart, okay? Just let it out, Love. Let it out. It's okay, Mars Bar. It's okay, I promise." He soothed into my hair, just as my friends ran into the cave with Alfred.

A long time later, I had cried myself out and was trying to control my breathing, but JayJay helped me with it until I was calm again, apart from my sniffling. I was trembling, and before Tim could get to the class video, I told him everything that happened in the class, what was being said to me, what the teacher and the students were doing, what Adrien, Alya, and Lila had done, and I couldn't stop talking. I started crying again as I eventually finished, and I could feel the murder coming off of my family, Jason, Jon, Nino, and Chloe especially.

I was exhausted, and was falling asleep in Jason's arms, my body sore from the running and crying I had done. Bruce called Clark to tell him what happened. Superman flew into the cave 3 minutes later, furious. Jon, who'd been scarily silent this entire time, stalked out of the cave with a murderous glare, and Damian followed him quickly. Tim got the video, and left the cave after Dami and Jon, Cass, Stephanie, and Babs following with Chloe, Nino, and my friends. Duke and Dick grabbed weapons, stormed past Alfred, and followed my other siblings, and Jay's body twitched like he wanted to go with, but he stayed on the floor with me. Mom looked at him. "Go, Jason. Bruce and I will take care of Mari." She said, and I gave Jason one last hug.

My brother kissed my hair, hugged me back, and almost reluctantly gave me to Selina, a handwritten Fatherly look on his face, and I softly smiled at him, a tear running down my face. Jay gently wiped it away with his thumb, and I leaned into his touch. "I love you, Marinette. I'll be home in a bit, I promise." He said. I coughed. "I love you too, Big Brother." I quietly said, yawning. I watched as my brother stood and grabbed several guns, got on his bike, and drove out of the cave at top speed, and I fell asleep in my mom's arms a moment later.

I loved my family more than I could begin to imagine, and I hoped that they knew that.

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