CHAPTER 231-235

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Chapter 231 - Boss Gu stared at the medicines on the screen. They looked so disgustingly familiar. (3)

Fang JunRong had an interesting look on her. Zhang ZhiYang sure knew how to pick the right time. He picked the day that the new medicines were to be launched. Why would he want to do that to himself?

Of course she would not attend. She worried that she would be beaten had she showed up.

She shook her head. "I will be otherwise engaged that day. Enjoy your celebration."

Zhang ZhiYang frowned slightly but there was nothing that he could do to force Fang JunRong into attending their event. As such, he had to take the high road. "I hope we will have the pleasure next year."

Fang JunRong felt that there would not be a next year. She finally couldn't help herself and asked, "Who was this master fortuneteller that you have hired?" She should avoid this person. Their ability had a lot of room to be desired.

Zhang ZhiYang provided the person's name and contact information to Fang JunRong. He wasn't too happy Fang JunRong wouldn't be joining their celebration but the thought of soon becoming the housemaster superseded everything else. That was particularly so when everybody surrounded him as though he was the center of the universe. That sense of superiority made him felt like he was walking around weightlessly on cloud nine.

His excitement lasted all the way up to the 12th of the month. His networking with the medicine had worked very well for him lately. Many guests attended his celebration in person for his sake and the event was very lively.

All of the clan members who had chosen to follow Zhang ZhiYang witnessed how all these big shots smiling so much that their eyes could barely be seen. They trusted they could go very far under Zhang ZhiYang's leadership.

Each guest, as they were congratulating Zhang ZhiYang, also hinted at him that the medications that they had received from him were running low.

Zhang ZhiYang maintained the smile on him but, recalling Fang JunRong's indifferent attitude, he couldn't help but fret a little. It was as though a bucket of iced water had been dumped on him.

His eyes dimmed a little. He couldn't be controlled by someone else like that. One way or another, he needed to get the formula for the medicines. He had been relying on the Zhang family but who would have thought that the Zhang family would be so weak and, to this date, had nothing to show for it other than wasting all the medicines that he had provided to them.

Fang JunRong had a son and a daughter, as well as Zhong Yi, her adopted daughter. Fang JunRong might seem nice to her adopted daughter but that was most likely just for show. If he was to plot against her, he would have to target either Li ShiZe or Li XinYun. So which one should he pick?

Fang JunRong had always put on a front that she had severed her ties with her son and had always known to be a mother who doted on her daughter. Nevertheless, perhaps Li XinYun was just the front used to distract others and that Li ShiZe was the one she was truly trying to protect. It was what he would have done if he was her.

As far as that was concerned, Fang JunRong was quite the woman.

After mulling over it for a little bit, he made his decision.

"Zhiyang, why are you spacing out over there?"

Zhang ZhiYang recollected himself and toasted with the other person. "Oh, nothing just. Just recalled something was all." The person who approached him was the President of the Gu's Corporation who had been closed with Zhang ZhiYang as of late.

"You know how the saying goes – one starts their family first then launch their business. Your business had been launched already. Do you think you should start giving a family a thought? My wife has a niece who is very virtuous. Would you like to meet her over dinner sometime?"

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