I missed you

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You met your best friend in kindergarten. You guys did everything together and spent every second of the day together until you moved.

Your parents got a divorce and they decided to separate across the country.

Your mom stayed in Maryland while you and your dad moved across the country to New Mexico.

You spent Twelve years togethers. You were turning Seventeen and she was turning eighteen.

You still talked every day and texted each other throughout the day if you weren't calling.

*RING RING RING RING* Oh she's calling. Time to have a fun talk. You answer the call, and she screams in enjoyment.

"Daya, what are you screaming about? I have my air pods in!" You jokingly roll your eyes.

"I got tickets to BANKS! After waiting for FIVE hours in the queue!!" You clap for her happily. "Thats awesome Daya, I'm glad you get to go!!" You smile softly at her.

"Anyways, I have to go, I have some things to you, but I'll call you when I get to the concert." You nod as a response, and she hangs up the phone.

About three hours go by, and you're studying for some tests you have coming up.

You lose your focus due to rocks hitting your window. "Who the fuck is there?" You open the window and look around before you run downstairs to open the door.

Daya climbed on the roof and happened to hit the window the correct way. She climbs through the window, and she sits on your bed putting your study guides into your dresser.

"That was so weird, no one was there but shit kept hitting my window." You walk back into your bedroom and sit on the computer chair confused.

"Yeah, that is weird. Who would do that?" You spin your chair around just to see her sitting on the bed.

"Now, what the fuck are you doing here?" You jump on her, and she wraps her arms around your back.

"I was only able to get two tickets for BANKS and I didn't want to go by myself. You are the only one who knows all of her words to every song, including unreleased.

I need you to get dressed so you can come with me right now. you need to hurry because we only have an hour to get ready and the concert is 45 minutes away."

Word count: 402

Zendaya x Reader StoriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang