chapter two- how i know

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Ok- yes I do paint my nails and do some girly things, like eyeliner and beauty routines.
But that doesnt make any less boy...ish? Boyish? ✨️Boyish✨️.
I'm like a trans boy, but if I was biologically a boy, I'd be like a femboy.
I know I'm a boy because I started to feel uncomfortable in my body after I started to grow... ehhh... boobs I started to feel.. like it wasn't me.
I noticed this when I was taking a bath at my dad's house, just seeing myself.. I was so unbelievably uncomfortable.
I HATED seeing all...that... on Me.
I knew that wasn't my body.

Ok sorry these are so short💀
(28th october 2022)
Word count: 119

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