Chapter 6

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That afternoon, Momona waited for Cayenne at the library when she saw him approaching her and can see that she was holding Ruby the jewelpet rabbit.

"So now that were here, surely Ruby got something to get us to Jewelland?", Cayenne thought while asking.

"I do," Ruby nodded at him. She then took out a jewelpod and tap the jewelpet magic circle and then appear the blue magic circle with a different language while everyone around them were stopped making it look like time has stopped in their world.

Momona and Cayenne saw a bright light in the blue magic circle and Momona ask Ruby," is that where we are going Ruby?"

"Yeah," Ruby said cheerfully.

"Come on don't be shy?", Ruby put her paw shaking it and moving back and forward to move near the portal.

Momona jumped then Cayenne soon after Ruby joined and they were in a world full of different type of jewels like amethyst, topaz, opal, sapphire, pearl, emerald and many more.

They were floating and that's when Cayenne asks Ruby, "so where do we go Ruby?"

Follow me, Ruby commanded them as they float forward to another portal and came to a view of the white castle and town of Jewelland. It had vibrant colours of pink, blue, yellow, and purple. The houses itself were the most colourful and they look brand new.

They then pass by the town and into the castle grounds which was cobblestone and by the time Momona and Cayenne landed they could see princes and princess are already there with their jewelpet partner.

Lady jewel appeared who had blond hair that is turn into a bun with a crown and wearing a lavender dress with a green heart necklace. She said, "welcome princes and princess to Jewelland. Your partner will give you a letterpen and a jewelpod. The letterpen can guide you to the previous owner of becoming prince and princess if you need any help."

"The jewelpet partner will take you to the jewel stage which will hold the first task," she explains to the teen girls and teen boys.

"How are we gonna do that?" Cayenne said out loud.

"Cayenne you will have to tap your phone to the ruby screen before going to the accessory, same for you Momona," Ruby explains to Momona and Cayenne the app in the jewelpod showing which one to press which made Cayenne transform wearing a black suit with a red bow tie and black shoes before a blue light surrounded him as he appeared on stage alone.

"Ready Momona?," Ruby looking at her.

"Okay," Momona said apprehensively and tap the two apps before transforming into a pink heart shape dress with pink shoes with white gloves while spinning before taking a selfie they then continue to walk on the rainbow stairs like and into the jewel stage which look more like the theatre stage considering it has red curtains but its wide open.

A brown-haired woman with purple dress and wearing glasses and amber eyes stood on stage and said, "good day princes and princess. Welcome to jewel castle."

Ruby told Momona and Cayenne, "that's lady Rector, the director of jewel castle."

Lady Rector continued," this will be your training ground for princes and princess for now on in order to become the next queen and king of jewel land."

"There will also be tests and interviews if you succeed in becoming top prince and top princess," lady Rector while adjusting her glasses.

"There will be only top 3 princess and princes that will continue the rest will guide the prince and princess in becoming queen and king and will also not come back to Jewelland," lady Rector telling them.

"Well, that will be easy," Cayenne said.

"Now lady boot will proceed to tell the test," Lady Rector then went into the curtains before lady boot appeared who donned a military uniform with a green beret and has purple hair and eyes.

"Are you ready princes and princess?" lady boot shouted to them.

"Your first task is to become graceful and dignified," lady boot said the first task.

"Graceful, I'm not good at that," Momona blurted out while blushing.

"Relax Momona you will do fine," Cayenne reassured Momona.

"Now off with your task ladies and gentleman," lady boot said as she shooed them away.

"Momona and Cayenne you have to tap on the Ruby icon three time to transport to your destination," Ruby told them.

"That's easy than changing into these clothes," Cayenne acknowledges while looking at his changed clothing.

"Ready Momona and Cayenne," Ruby glance at both of them.

"Ready as I ever be," Cayenne said.

Then Momona and Cayenne tap the ruby icon three times before being transported to a deserted island together. 

Lady Jewelpet with Momona and CayenneWhere stories live. Discover now