Return of the Emperor

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Third person POV

A member of the once almighty Frieza force points his blaster at some Earthling children, which was actually the Pilaf Gang. This was Sorbet.

Sorbet: Summon the Eternal Dragon!

Pilaf: Careful where you point that! Eternal Dragon, arise!

Shenron bursts forth from the Dragon Balls.

Shenron: You, who have gathered all seven Dragon Balls... State your wish.

Sorbet: I wish... To bring Lord Frieza back to life!

~ Meanwhile ~

Several shockwaves shake Beerus' Planet as Y/n and Gohan trade blows, Goku and Vegeta watched intently.

Gohan: Damn! I'm giving it all I've got and nothing seems to work! Super Saiyan God is no joke!

Y/n: Hey, you're not doing too bad, Gohan... I'm using about 25% of my strength.

Gohan: D-don't give me a percentage, that makes it worse...

Y/n: Hey, you're doing this good without God Ki! Once you, Father, and Uncle Kakarot start training, I'm not so sure I'll be the strongest.

Gohan chuckles a little.

Gohan: You're a great rival, and an even better friend.

Goku and Vegeta walk over, smiling.

Vegeta: I'm impressed, son.

Goku: Same here! I can't believe you guys are still stronger than us, even with us working our butts off.

Whis: Seems you lot are having fun.

Y/n: Whis, you said you could teach me to harness God Ki better, right?

Whis: Hm? Why, yes I did. It'll be easy, seeing as you're able to transform into a Super Saiyan God any time you want. It should be as simple as a few exorcises and, of course, more combat experience. As for Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta... You lot should be able to pick up God Ki as well.

Vegeta: What? I thought we had to do the ritual.

Whis: Well, that'd be true normally, but you all have a source of God Ki that your bodies could withstand. Y/n simply has to share some of that God Ki.

Goku: Like when we gave him our energy!

Whis: Correct. Only Y/n's energy signature is godlike now and is thus harder to transfer. Luckily, he's still not an actual deity, like Lord Beerus, and thus still has mortal Ki properties.

Gohan: Intriguing... Is it possible for Goten and Trunks to achieve this power too then?

Whis: I'm afraid not, their bodies simply wouldn't be able to handle it.

Y/n: So if our power has to be above a certain threshold... What about Shin?

Whis: Ah, yes, Supreme Kai was born into his role. In other words...

Y/n: He naturally has God Ki... And Lord Beerus?

Whis: He started off just as mortal as you lot. A mortal is chosen as a God of Destruction candidate and their predecessor and Angel train them.

Y/n: Alright then... I think I got it.

Whis: Marvelous! Then let us commence the training!

Y/n powers up and smirks.

Y/n: This oughta be fun!

~ With Frieza ~

Frieza, now resurrected, clenches his fists a few times.

Frieza: Seems I'm not dreaming...

Sorbet: O-of c-course not! We wanted to bring you back!

Frieza glances at Sorbet, a scowl on his face.

Frieza: However, is it just me... Or did you take a very long time to revive me? Perhaps you hadn't planned to at all, and this was merely an attempt to regain power?

Sorbet: Wh-what?! N-no, you have the wrong idea, Lord Frieza! It was the Saiyans that made getting them an ordeal, but right now they're off world!

Frieza closes his eyes and swishes his tail around a bit, thinking.

Frieza: Sorbet, I want a full report on those monkeys! Especially Son Goku!

Sorbet: Well, you see...

Frieza: What? What's the hold up?! Need I remind you that I have been in Hell?

Sorbet: With all due respect, our reports suggest Goku is no longer the strongest Saiyan.

Frieza: What?! Hm... Don't tell me it's Vegeta now.

Sorbet: N-no sir.

Frieza: Then is it his whelp?

Sorbet: N-no sir.

Frieza: So who is it?

Sorbet: His name is Y/n... We had reports that he and Goku's son defeated Majin Buu!

Frieza: They did what?! All my life, my father told me to never mess with two people, one of them being the mindless beast of carnage and destruction known as Majin Buu... You're telling me they defeated that Majin Buu?!

Sorbet: Y-yes sir! And that's not all! We had a report that Y/n fought against Beerus the Destroyer!

Frieza: Wh-what?! Lord Beerus...?!

Sorbet: Y-yes sir!

Frieza takes a moment to regain his composure and laughs.

Sorbet: L-Lord Frieza...?

Frieza: I've never had to train a day in my life, but now things have changed... I will train for the next year, and by then... I will crush the Saiyans, including this Y/n! Prepare yourself, monkeys! I will have my vengeance! Ahahaha!

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