Super F/n! - An Exhilarating Conclusion!

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Third person POV

Buu, refusing to believe he was actually this outclassed, fires a barrage of Ki blasts at F/n, but the fusion merely zigzags through the blasts before punching Buu into the stratosphere and, in an instant, catches up to Buu and punches him towards the ground, the Majin catching fire as he's sent hurtling towards the planet and F/n flies past him before landing on the ground and making two Ki blades. As the Majin gets closer, F/n flies up and begins hacking him to bits with the blades before dispersing the blades and pulling his arms back in the Galic Gun pose, quickly gathering Ki in his palms before he then takes the Kamehameha pose and fires his attack.

F/n: Galic Kamehameha!

He launches the attack, engulfing the bits of Buu and disintegrating them instantly. F/n disperses the attack and reverts to his base form.

F/n: Alright... If I want to bring everyone back, there's somewhere I gotta go.

F/n puts two fingers to his forehead and closes his eyes, trying to clear his mind and concentrate on a particular energy signature. After a moment, he locks onto the energy signature and takes a deep breath.

F/n: ... Here goes nothing.

He Instant Transmissions to New Namek, surprising Elder Moori. But this surprised the fusion as well.

F/n: ... Didn't think that would work. Hello, Elder Moori.

Moori: I-I'm sorry, who are you...?

F/n: I'm Gohan! Er, well, partially anyway. I'm the fusion of Gohan and Y/n.

Moori: Fusion? Interesting. What is it you need?

F/n: Sorry to say, but I need to borrow your Dragon Balls once again. I'll be in your debt.

Moori: Nonsense, you played a great role in helping us on Namek all those years ago... You may use the Dragon Balls.

F/n smiles and Moori points him in the direction of the other Dragon Balls after giving him his own. F/n then collects the Dragon Balls and, with a young Namekian's help, summons Porunga.

F/n: Hm... How interesting... Say, can you translate my wishes?

The young Namekian nods and F/n smiles.

F/n: Awesome! Okay... First, I wish that all of the destruction caused by Majin Buu on Earth to be fixed.

The young Namekian nods and translates the wish to the dragon.

Porunga: It shall be done.

F/n: Now, for my second wish... I wish all of the people Buu killed were brought back to life.

The young Namekian nods and translates the wish again.

Porunga: It shall be done.

F/n: And lastly... I would like to be restored to my original fusees.

The young Namekian nods and translates the wish one more time.

Porunga: It shall be done.

With that, F/n is defused back into Y/n and Gohan, who take off the Potara.

Y/n: It worked.

Gohan: Awesome! I almost thought it wouldn't.

Y/n: You and me both.

The two chuckle and fist bump.

~ Time Skip brought to you by Chibi Super F/n ~

It had been a month after the defeat of Buu, and Y/n had been training rigorously. One day, after an intense training session, Y/n hears a knock on his door. Y/n answers the door to see Videl with a light blush on her face.

Y/n: Hey, I haven't seen you since we were at school last week. You come over for training?

Videl: No... Not exactly.

Y/n: Oh, then what's up-

The Saiyan is cut off as Videl kisses him. The sudden action makes the male Saiyan blush furiously as he slowly kisses her back, lifting her and bringing her closer. Videl moans softly and tangles her fingers in the Saiyans hair. The two break apart, panting softly and blushing furiously.

Videl: I came to say thank you.

Y/n: That's a helluva way to say thank you.

Videl: That was just for starters~

Y/n's eyes widen and his blush darkens, but he shuts the door and carries her into his room. Videl kisses the male Saiyan again and he pins her to his bed. The two begin grinding against each other before Y/n's phone goes off. Growling in irritation, which Videl found hot, Y/n answers the phone.

Gohan: Yo, Y/n.

Y/n: What Gohan?! I'm a little busy!

Gohan: Woah, calm down man... I was just checking in on you.

Y/n: S-sorry... I'm... Er... I'm great, actually.

Videl poses underneath the male Saiyan.

Y/n: I'm going to make you scream...

Gohan: Huh?

Y/n realizes he was still on the phone and quickly hangs up.

Videl: You're seriously cute~

Y/n: Don't push it, pigtails~ You know... They may not be practical in a fight, but they're gonna be very useful in a moment~

Videl blushes furiously as the male Saiyan captures her lips in another hungry, lustful kiss.

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