Chapter 2.

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I really wasn't paying much attention to what Mrs Yui had to say. I still raised my hand to answer some of her questions, just to make it look like I was listening. But throughout the whole lesson I could feel the eyes of the blonde haired bastard staring me down, his brown eyes practically shooting bullets through my head.

'Whats up with him dude? He keeps giving me fuck me eyes. God when does this period end??' It seems my prayers were answered when the bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch break. 'Thank you Lord, thank you',I sobbed in my head. But before I could head out i was surrounded by people throwing questions my way.
"What country are you from?"
"How old are you?"
"Do you Wana hang out with us?"
"Are you single??"
"How tall are you bro?"
Question after questions, my brain was having problems trying to respond to them all. I then see the guy with blonde hair and glasses get up to leave, he looked pissed for some reason. He was gone before I could confront him.
"Hey who's that guy?" I asked one of the random students. "Oh you mean Kei Tsukishima? Don't worry about him, he's a douche bag".
'Douche bag huh? Seems like I was right about his character.'

I was staring to feel overwhelmed with all the questions and people surrounding me. I made up and excuse to leave and made my way hurriedly out the door.
'I didn't bring my own lunch, meh I'll just go buy some at the vending machine'. I then start my journey through the school looking for a vending machine. I take my time to really observe the school. The cream white walls and the cherry blossom trees outside. It was a gorgeous view, I like looking at pretty things, they fascinate me. I turned a corner and saw a vending machine. But I also saw 2 people there. One was tall and had dark black hair, and the other was short and had a bright orange hair color. They looked like they were arguing about something.
"Hhahaha, Kageyama forgot money to buy some milk!!"
"Shut up Hinata boke!!"
As entertaining as it was to watch this comedy show play out, I was hungry and needed something in my stomach, now. I walked towards the duo and tapped 'Kageyama' on the shoulder.

Kageyamas POV:

I was frustrated that I couldn't get my banana milk, and Hinta boke wasn't making things any better with his constant teasing. Just then I felt what seemed to be a fairly large but soft/rough hand tap my shoulder. It was a sudden electric shock that went through my body, I gasped and whipped my head around to see the culprit. I was stunned to say the least. A 6'something guy with H/C hair and tired looking E/C eyes was looking down at me. I could see that Hinata was just as shocked as I was.
"Could you please move aside? I need to get to the vending machine"
My eyes grew large at the sound of his voice. So smooth and calming. I could listen to it forever..wait, what the hell am I talking about!?. I realized I was staring and immediately moved to the side, and so did Hinata. We both watched him bend down slightly and get some food and drinks from the machine. He took a quick glance at eyes and turned back to machine again, getting a carton of banana milk. 'Is he getting that for me? No, he can't be', but low and behold he turns to me and hands me the carton and gives me a small smile. Was he an angel? He has to be.

Before I could continue my train of thought, Hinata boke interrupts with his obnoxious yelling.

Hinatas POV:

"OOOWAAA, how tall are you?!?, do you play volleyball?? You look so cool!!!" Who was this guy?? He was so freaking huge, and kinda hot..BUT MOSTLY HUGE. I couldn't stop gazing at him, admiring his features. He looked down at me and gave a small smile. I swear I saw just the faintest blush in there too.
"I'm 6'2, and no I don't play volleyball, I've been thinking about it though." He answered on that honey covered voice. I could listen to him speak all night...
"Hinata boke!! You can't just ask him random questions like that!"
Kageyama-San was such a meanie, how dare he interrupt me while talking to my beautiful king? Wait, beautiful king?? What am I saying?? I could feel my face burst into bright red. "Mind your business meanie!!"
"What did you just call me?!" Kageyama argued back, but before I could come up with a response we heard the tall man chuckle.
"Heheh, you guys are so cute and funny, but I don't think you guys should be arguing here".

I could feel my whole body about to explode. 'IS THAT HOW HE LAUGHS??, oh dear God, he sounds so angelic, he's so gorgeous, so pretty, so perfect. Aahkanzieihjjsn, WHAT AM I SAYING?? Ahhh-'
The bell rang again, break was over and that means we has to part ways with the beautiful man.
"Seems like breaks over, and I didn't even get to eat my snacks. Oh well. I'll see you cuties around then?"
'He called us cute!!, what is happening to me??' He was walking away now, and before I could call him back Kageyama bear me too it.
"Wait, what's your name?" He turned around and yelled back.
"It's Y/N!!" Then he ran off. Kageyama and I looked at eachother dead in the eyes.

'He's mine.'

Heeellooo, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter, I tried to make it longer this time!! Tell me what you guys think so far in the comments:))

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