So This is Christmas

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 Todd gasped as Charlie dragged his arm.

He was back, back outside the theater, back in his body, time was normal.

And Neil was going to kill himself. 

Todd didn't think, he ran. The car was just pulling away, so maybe if he could catch up to it...

Ice crunched underneath his feet, and the air was so cold that each breath was akin to being stabbed in the lungs. 

He had one goal: the car which carried Neil. 

He knew from the start it was impossible. His speed would never match that of a car, his endurance wouldn't even come close. And still, he ran, because if he lost Neil, then what would he have left? He ran for all that was evil in the world, for Neil's father who sucked all the life out of him, for himself, so that he might have another chance at life come tomorrow.

And soon his rhythm broke, but he pushed on, far beyond what his body could handle. The distance between him and the car grew further each second. It was impossible. But a few things happened tonight that Todd had deemed impossible, so was it really all that different?

What mattered was he had a chance--a final, fleeting chance--to save Neil. And he could feel that chance slip through his fingers.

Finally, he broke. 

And fell.

And the opportunity was missed. 

It wouldn't have mattered, anyway. The car was driving too fast, he never would've caught up. And even if he didn't, what was he going to do?

"I went after him this time, and..." Todd gasped. "It still wasn't good enough. He's still going to die."

Todd sat a second before punching the icy ground. And again. And again. He beat the ground until his knuckles were bloody and then screamed until his voice was hoarse. 

He unleashed all the hate, and the grief, and the unfairness that settled within him.

At last, he couldn't scream anymore. 

"Fuck," he whispered. 

Neil was gone forever.

Todd felt himself crumble. His life was over already. Perhaps he should just stay laying here on the road. It would speed up the process.

Todd squeezed his eyes shut. What a shitty way to spend Christmas Eve.


No, this isn't it, he thought. I can't give up yet.

With this, Todd stood up, and, as fast as he dared, ran back to the theater.

He couldn't save Neil. That chance had passed. But maybe someone else could.

"Todd, where did you go?!" Charlie asked upon seeing him. 

"I need a phone," Todd said simply, then ran inside the theater.

Charlie followed, shouting his 'what are you doing?'s. Todd did his best to ignore him.

There was a staff member sweeping away the remains of the show. Todd approached her as quickly as he could. "I need to use your phone," he explained. "Please, it's an emergency."

The woman must've sensed a frantic tone in his voice, because she immediately pointed the way to the phone.

Todd picked it up and dialed those faithful numbers. After three rings, an operator picked up.

"911, what's your emergency?"

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