The Christmas Truce

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Dracula was conflicted, as he still didn't care for humanity. After all, they took his wife and denied his existence. But he wanted to improve the world for Lisa. So he only responded with, "Hm."

VEGA soon added, "Of course, for others like Carmilla she didn't know the true meaning of Christmas until she was taught by the Ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future."

Carmilla spat up the new drink she was trying called 'Eggnog'. Coughing, she exclaimed in an offended manner, "I'll have you know I happen to love Christmas!"

"Not around other people, Carmilla you do." Lenore said with a slight chuckle.

Carmilla huffed, "Bah Humbug."

VEGA said in amusement. "While you may enjoy it, the other you did not and only being shown what happened to your loyal employee Hector and Lenore's youngest son, your other self even exclaimed to the ghost of christmas future, "Spirit, are these the things of to be, or are they things that can be changed, I beg of you, Spirit!" To which your other self changed and became less oriented towards money and more towards helping others."

Hector and Lenore were silent as they processed the fact that another set of them were together and had a family, but what shocked them was what they learned about another version of Carmilla.

Everyone let that sink in, the prideful Vampiress groveling before a spirit for a chance to change.

"Perhaps we should move on." Dracula said, in an attempt to get everything back on track.

VEGA nodded as the lights began to dim, and soon the screen came on.

Willow and Lisa snuggled up to Dracula, as did Greta to Adrian.

Trevor breathed as he and Sypha prepared for what was to come. Everyone pretty much prepared themselves.

The screen was black except for the text:

Western Front, 1914

Before the screen revealed trenches. Explosions filled the audio with a whistle in the background before showing a soldier running through the trenches. Soldiers were dying from the bullets and explosions.

German soldiers were firing their rifles and heavy machine guns while British soldiers fired their own weapons.

Willow watched with a hand over her mouth. Seeing all those young men die and the explosions made her vampiric ears hurt.

The other vampires were saddened but became used to the explosions.

Trevor and Sypha, hell those who weren't vampires kept looking in shock. "And Christmas stopped all this death?" Asked Hector.

VEGA nodded "Yes. It was even said that the pope tried to urge the warring nations to hold a truce on Christmas, but the leaders were so set in their mindsets that they would not order such a truce."

Dracula growled slightly, "The fools…"

One soldier shouted, "GRENADE!!" which caused everyone to get down as he tossed it over to the other side.

The grenade landed on the enemy trench lines, and a soldier shouted, "GRENADE!!" Before attempting to dive out of its explosive radius. It exploded and the soldier was dazed with his ears ringing and vision blurry. A fellow comrade attempted to get him back up. "Come on! Get up!"

The soldier was dragged away before the screen went black.

Everyone was silent, all while Willow was seen with her hands together as she prayed, "Please, oh to those above please."

Castlevania: Through the Infinite Corridor of Madnessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن