Loud House Christmas

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[The movie begins with the interior of a snail shipping truck. As the film's logo appears, a Christmas-themed remix of the theme song plays. The truck rolls down the street, while inside, a peculiar package lands on the floor, revealing it to be addressed to Lincoln Loud.]

♫ Light the tree and deck the halls ♫
♫ Snow stuffed down your overalls ♫
♫ I'm trying to find the presents on time ♫
♫ The mistletoe's a special place ♫
♫ To spill hot chocolate on your face ♫
♫ Shaking every gift to see which one is mine ♫

[The truck passes by the Royal Woods Mall, and then a welcome sign. The camera then cuts to Vanzilla and pans over to a festively decorated Loud House.]

♫ Loud Christmas! Loud Christmas! ♫
♫ The more of us, the merrier ♫
♫ 'Cause Santa Claus is scarier! ♫
One boy, eleven girls
Wouldn't trade it for the world!
Loud! In the Loud House!

[The usual loud house chaos can be heard outside as Rita hangs up some Christmas lights on the roof.]

Rita: "They're gonna see this house from space!"

Lynn Sr.: [offscreen] "Hun? Where are you?"

[An explosion blasts through one of the windows.]

Lynn: [offscreen] "Hut hut, hike!"

Lisa: [offscreen] "I'm okay!"

[An electric guitar can be heard playing.]

Luan: [offscreen] "Get ready for the 12 Pranks of Christmas."

Lena: [offscreen] "Luan, you almost hit my flute."

Lynn: [offscreen] "Get ready. It's almost game time!"

[As all that occurs, the camera then pans over to a bedroom window, consistently belonging to the only boy in the family. Lincoln looks out of his window and to the viewers.]

Lincoln: "Christmas is only two days away, and I can't wait." [climbs down] "When you've got eleven sisters, Christmas can get pretty epic." [his phone rings, and he picks it up to read a message] "'Your Driver Bill is en route with your package!' This year, I ordered an extra-special gift for my family."
[Lincoln walks out of his room, only for Luan to throw a pie at him. He wipes the cream out of his eyes.]

Lincoln: "Luan, what gives?!"

Luan: "I decided to up my game from the 12 Puns of Christmas to the 12 Pranks of Christmas!"

Lincoln: "Well, if it's a Christmas prank, then I'm all in."

[Mr. Coconuts hands him a cloth for him to wipe his face.]

Mr. Coconuts: "That was number nine." [sinisterly] "Three more to go."
[Luan chuckles and leaves the hallway.]

Lincoln: [to the viewers] "Now that Luan is gone, I'll be safe for a while."

Lynn: "Hey, Stinkin!" [charges at her brother, who screams, and tackles him to the floor]

Lincoln: [groans in pain] "Spoke too soon."

[Lynn gets up and sets him upright]
Lynn: "Just getting ready for a Christmas afternoon football game. Can I try that tackle one more time?"

Lincoln: "No."

[Lynn groans in frustration and leaves]

Lincoln: [to the viewers] "Christmas at the Loud House is full of traditions. Each one of us contributes something important to our special day."

[Right then, an explosion sets off in Lisa and Lily's room. Lincoln turns to it as Lisa walks out, holding a beaker.]

Lincoln: "How's the perma-snow coming, Lisa?"

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