chapter nine: build a bear

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The Bucky bear and Steve bear and stuff.

The cold January weather sucked, and if the breeze blew to hard, you'd get wind burnt cheeks in no time!

So before they went out today, they all had a fulfilling breakfast and bundled up to keep warm.

When they filled into the car, it smelt like Peppermint. Funny, as it was Pepper's car, but refreshing.

Pepper drove them, Nick in the passenger seat, and Phil in between them. This car could really hold a lot of people and it was strange.

But they arrived in no time.

Once parked they climbed out one by one; they shut the doors and locked the car, it giving a noisy *beep beep*.

All wearing their coats and hats and gloves and beanies, they walked from the car into the mall.

Many people looked at them like 'holy hell there's a bus full of children here and only three teachers supervising them', but they were used to that by now. Both the children and the adults. So they just continued on with their day, heading through the mall until they reached their destination.

Once at the build-a-bear they walked inside and began picking which animals they wanted.

The parents noticed how the workers in here didn't grumble at the sight of how many children they just chaperoned into their store, but instead looked lively and welcome and wholesome.

It was always reassuring to know that they brought their kids into a good and healthy environment rather then something that wanted to block them out -or at worst case scenario, cause them harm.

They had taken off their gloves so they could feel the animals and how soft they were.

Scott was the first to be done picking, he got an ant. What was it with him and bugs?

Clint was second to make up his mind, with Peter right behind him. Clint got a gray bird and Peter a Minecraft spider.

Wanda got an orange cat, with slightly lighter orange swirls patterning it's fur.

Sam got a dragon. Thor got a light blue and soft yellow bunny.

Loki got a panda.

Stephen got a moose.

Steve got a bear, Bucky also got the same bear just in a darker color. Steve's was light like his hair, while Bucky's was closer to his hair.

Bruce got a bear.

Natasha got a fox.

And lastly Tony got a hamster.

Then they lined up to fill them.

When they were filled with stuffing and hearts, the workers were super sweet and encouraging, easily making the children comfortable and come out of their shy shell if they had any or were wearing one today for whatever reason it may be.

They went to pick out accessories. Scott got his ant one of the horse saddles, his eyes lit the moment he spotted them on the shelf.

Bruce got glasses and a light blue sweater for his bear.

Wanda got a yellow tutu and a pink cape for her cat.

Stephen picked lil black dress shoes and black slacks, along with a yellow tee. He planned to make a red cloak that matched his for the moose.

Thor got sandals and a bow, which he didn't know yet if he'd attach to their neck or their ear. [I mean I could switch it out] he thought with a shrug, looking lovingly at his bunny.

Tony got a white button up, a little red tie, and cool sunglasses with red and yellow lenses.

Sam got a cowboy hat for his dragon, so I guess a cowdragon hat...

Clint got meme glasses for his bird.

Peter got meme glasses as well, along with a red scarf.

Natasha got two pairs of ballet shoes, so all feet could have them, then also got yellow belt with a white buckle and a red shirt with a white skull on it.

Loki got shorts and a skirt so they could switch them out, and a green vest.

You already know what Bucky and Steve got:

They took turns making the birth certificates, Pepper, Nick and Phil gladly helping them

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They took turns making the birth certificates, Pepper, Nick and Phil gladly helping them.

By the end of it, they each had their animals, with the stuff for them inside a plastic bag.

By the time they walked out of their pretty much everyone- okay scratch that, EVERYONE, was holding their animal to their chest like a hug as they carried it.

Everyone had a fun time and they were happy, it was lovely (especially when they went to sleep that night, snuggled up next to the stuffy they held in their arms)

770 words.
Dec. 24. 2022.

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