Chapter VII

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A/n: SORR GUYS THAT I HAVE'T UPDATE FOR A WHILE. I RECENTLY GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL SO I HAD A LOT OF IMPORTANT STUFF TO DO. Now that I have summer break, I might be able to post more frequently.

Though apologies in advanced, this one is kind of short.

English: Normal text
Other language: Underlined text
Thoughts: ' Italic'


There  was the soft turn of a page.

I let out a groan. My head is killing me. I realized I was laying in a bed, the blanket was nice and soft. I guess I'm home. I sat up rubbing my eyes, but hissed in pain because of... cause of... cause of what?

"Holy shit Vin. I had the craziest dream. We were running from someone in school, so we hid in the closet and somehow we went back in time and were transported to the Moriarty the Patriot universe! We didn't go on much of an adventure, but we were technically kidnapped by the Moriarty gang. Shit was crazy."

"My, is that so? Sounds like a very strange dream." That sultry voice... That is not Vin.

"You're not Vin—" My eyes shot open, but I got blinded by the bright lights of what I assume is the sun.

"Aw fuck!" I rubbed my eyes. Blinking a few times to get the pain to subside, I saw William sitting in a chair next to the bed I was resting on.

"'We went back in time and were transported to the Moriarty the Patriot universe.' What a strange thing to say." William looked up from his book and closed it. His full attention on me. I started sweating bullets. "What could you mean by this?" His smile. Very dangerous. His eyes scanned all over me, to see if there was any reaction. Any of the slightest difference in body language.

"I must still be dreaming. Goodnight." I said with a grim smile staring at the sheets. I started to lie back down pulling the blanket over me.

"It is currently 8:15 am. You have been asleep for 3 days."

"Deadass?" This isn't even helping at all. Just stop talking.

Currently in the room were just the two of us. I could hear the faint ticking of the clock. My heart thumped fast in my chest cavity. What will he do? As if on cue, he stood up and walked towards me. I tried to keep myself from flinching, but I couldn't help it. He stopped just in front of me and leaned close to my face. Almost.

"Care to explain by what you mean?" His eyes stared into my soul. There was the ever glint of danger. Should I lie? No, he'll find out eventually or right away and that could cause more issues. But then should I tell the truth? How should I say this without seeming like I'm mad and get sent away.

"I'm deadass from the future." I- WHAT. WHY DID I JUST SAY IT LIKE THAT. Okay, stay calm. "Also from another dimension for real."

Someone please slap me silly cause I am not that dude. His eyes widened at this. He let out a quick hum as a response and stood up straight. Letting one of his hands rest on his chin and he kept staring at me.

"That makes quite a lot of sense. So that's what felt odd about you two. Quite the surprise." He chuckled to himself. "But do you have proof?"

I nodded my head quickly, before I reached under my pillow to grab my phone that was placed in the pillow case. I raised my hand up to William, showing him the very important device that all of humanity depends on in the future.

"I'll be honest, I'm kind of scared, cause you're scary. I don't care if I said it straight to your face. This is a phone."

I guess he was surprised by my bluntness. Or the phone. I started explaining the basic functions of up. It didn't take long of course.

Olden Times, Victorian Times: Moriarty the Patriot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now