Frantic and panicked

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   I was packing my suitcase and getting ready to leave. I have a checklist that FRIDAY was reading back to me every few minutes to make sure I was really getting everything. I tend to be very forgetful, so I have a list to make sure I don’t need to owl home when I unpack, and I don’t have something I need. FRIDAY was once again going through my checklist when Steve walked into my room, and I got distracted, so I told FRIDAY to stop and restart in 5 minutes. “What’s up?”, I asked Steve.

“Just checking if you have everything for school”, I took a glance at my suitcase and was pretty sure I had everything.

I smiled at him “I’m pretty sure I have FRIDAY reading me a checklist, so I think I have everything!” FRIDAY was going to start going through my list again here pretty soon, so if I didn’t have everything, I should know pretty soon.

I always pack early, though, since I know it takes me a while, so I still have the rest of today before I actually have to leave. Steve was helping me put my suitcase and my other 2 bags near my door so they are ready to go for when I need them. We still left them to where I can go through them since FRIDAY should be reading through my list any sec- “It has been 5 minutes I shall now go through your School Packing List…”. FRIDAY began to check things off,  and I made sure I had packed all of them.

We were reaching the end of the list when FRIDAY said “Wand and ticket” I went for the side pocket of the suitcase with confidence that I had put both there. When I unzipped it and I felt empty space, I began to panic. Where could I have possibly put them? They are the 2 things I have packed first for the last 4 years, and now they are not where I always put them, so where in the world could they be?!

I launched into action and started to tear apart my room, looking for my wand and ticket. Without the ticket   I’m not getting on the train. Without the wand I’m not doing any magic, so I desperately need both. Nat burst into my room with Clint, Thor, and Wanda by her side, startled by the rucas I was making. “What the hell is going on in here?!” Nat asked me as I was still furiously looking for my wand and ticket anywhere I could.

“Hello, I asked what is going on?” I spun toward my door, out of breath and in distress.

My breathing was speratic “I lost my ticket and my wand! I have no idea where I put them, and I need them by tomorrow." They are always the first thing I pack, but I have no clue where they are!” I was panicked and not thinking clearly as to where I could put them.

Wanda walked further into my room and walked straight up to me. All of a sudden, I was at Hogwarts with all of my friends in the common room. I was calming down already just being with everyone I loved and missed. I'm just joking around and talking about professors and who our favorite was of the year so far.  Then I realized it wasn’t real, I wasn’t here until Wanda walked up to me. She’s in my head. She’s trying to calm me down.

I was still happy to be around everyone even if it was fake, so after I had calmed down she released me from the illusion and asked me where the last place I remember putting them was, I thought for a moment trying my hardest to not go into a freak out again. Then I remember that I had them Petes' room because he was grabbing me an extra bag I could use since I only had my suitcase and my other bag, but I needed one more. I was going to put them in the bag until I realized I could just put them in my suitcase, so I put them down to help Peter look. I immediately made my way to his room, I didn’t even bother to knock. Luckily, he was only playing video games, so I didn’t walk in on anything. “What are you doing?” Pete asked, alarmed at the sudden intrusion.

“Looking for my wand and my train ticket.” I looked around his desk that I was standing near and under his bed. Which can I say never again will I do that.

He stood up walking towards me “You left them in here, so I gave them to Mr. Stark since you were sleeping when I realized you had left them in here.” I hopped up from my position on his floor, I walked out of his room closing the door behind me, I mean I did kind of invade his personal space so the least I can do is closing the door as I leave. I practically ran all the way to the lab where I was hoping dad would be.

When I got there, I slammed the door open. Bruce jumped, and my dad got ready for a fight. “Do you have my wand and train ticket?!” I asked instantly while slightly waving to Bruce.

My dad relaxed a bit and sighed “I do, but are you really sure you don’t want to just stay here this year and go to high school with Peter?”, he didn't like me going. He needed me for missions. He won’t admit it, but he also just missed me when I left. I shook my head and he went to a desk with tools on it and opened a drawer and took out the wand and ticket and handed it to me then went back to what he was working on with Bruce at the moment.

I gave another tiny wave to Bruce as I left. Feeling much better, I went to my room, put my wand and ticket in the side pocket of my suitcase, and went to the kitchen to grab a snack. All the running around looking for my stuff made me hungry. I opened the fridge to see if anything looked good. Nothing really looked that great to me, so I closed the fridge and moved on to the cupboards. When I was looking for something to eat, I heard someone behind me. I turned around, and Buck was behind me. “Oh hey Buck what’s up?” I asked him.

“I was going to make something to eat. Want me to make you  something to eat too?”. I contemplated whether I wanted to just grab a quick snack or wait for something to actually cook.

“Yeah that would be great! Thanks, Buck!” I sat myself on the counter closest to the stove, not near the sink, though.

“So when do you leave for this school you go to kid?” No one really knows anything about Hogwarts. They just know it’s not a normal school. They also know about my wand and stuff, but they don’t really know much more than that. It’s not that I didn’t wanna tell them. They just never really ask.

“I’m leaving tomorrow, I’m going to miss you all! You all have to remember to WRITE me!” Only Pete, Steve, and Buck ever really remember to write to me. He put up his hands in a surrender motion and nodded his head while laughing.

He continued to cook us grilled cheese while we talked. I saw my dad run down the hall where my room was and bang on my door. This man quite literally just passed me! I made him stop, and he looked down the hall as he couldn’t move his body. I let him go, and he ran down the hall and started rambling about Merlin knows what, I put up my hand as a way to let him know he needed to slow down.

He took a breath. “I was checking the mail, and this letter came for Peter.”, he handed me the letter…it was from Hogwarts.

Enchantments with empowerment Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora