Chapter I

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Zoning out in class is quite fun. I stared at my paper thinking of different scenarios that could happen at any moment. It's a good thing I have the reputation as a good student, I always did my work on time and correctly, so the teachers had no problems if I was either doodling or staring at my paper in a thought. The bell finally rang and it was off to the next class. I hate it, but at the same time, it was alright. My classes are fun, but some of them have a lot of work. I hate waking up early as well, but I still do nonetheless. I walked to the cafeteria waiting for a certain someone. My best friend for many years. I still don't know how we became friends, but we almost instantly clicked.

Vin was standing by a table looking at his phone. I walked right over to him and tapped his shoulder. He looked up from his phone and smiled. I gave a smile back, "Ready to go?" I asked him.

"Yea. Let's hurry though." He put his phone away and started heading to a certain place. The library. I followed right behind him. We heard that a book we have been waiting forever for, has been out an davai le at the school library. We have been so excited since it was first announced, and when it came out, we had read it digitally, but we wanted to see the physical copy. I heard there was something on it that was intriguing. As we were heading, I heard one of the hall monitors. They yelled at us to stop and show them our IDs. We aren't supposed to be in the halls during each period and definitely not without a pass. So what did we do? We ran.

The library is completely on the other side of the school, and this place is massive. So we have to hide and then get there strategically. We ran into a broom closet. Talk about cliche, but it was one we knew was always unlocked, for some reason... I'd rather not think about it. I shut the door and we both were hunched over. Running with backpacks filled with stuff is not fun. We heard the hall monitor come near the closet, but then walked away. 'Looks like we lost them.' I thought. Through the dim light in the closet, I looked over to Vin and he nodded when he saw my hand over the broom closet. I turned the handle and opened the door. A bright light instantly blinded us.

"What the fuck!" Vin shouted as he covered his eyes. I did the same. It was too bright. Our eyes burned. But then it stopped. The light disappeared. But we heard the sound of chattering. A lot of it, throughout the whole place. And what sounds like... water!? "Where are we? You hear that too right?"

"Are we on a boat?" I carefully opened the door. I peaked out, to a hallway with many doors lining them. Both to the left and right. Something isn't right, obviously, but it's so strange. I motioned Vin to follow me as I carefully stepped out, since the coast was clear, devoid of any souls wandering around. Though the closet from the school brought us here, I doubt it'd bring us right back. 'Looks like we won't be getting that book.' I was deciding whether or not to leave our backs here just in case or not. "Do you think it'd be a good idea to bring our bags with us or not?"

"I think we should, since it does have our stuff in it, and if we do end up having to leave this... ship? Then we should keep it to ourselves. It's just a satchel style bag. Though all we have is our phones, books, and notebooks right?" He replied. We came upon the agreement of bringing out bags with us. Fully out of the closet, we cautiously crept the hall. The sounds kept growing louder and we could confirm that we were on a ship, or at least a water traveling vessel, after seeing the body of water out a small round window. "We should maybe go towards the noise, it sounds like regular chatter I think... And I hear an orchestra? What kind of ship are we on?"

"Probably one of those resort type luxury ones? I don't know. But definitely an expensive one, but how the hell did we actually get on?" He shrugged. Reaching the corner, we peaked over and saw a room filled with people. Except they were wearing very fancy dresses and suits. Others were wearing paperboy style clothing and not so fancy gowns. "What fucking time period have we arrived to..." I looked around, our outfits weren't too out of place, so I think we could technically fit in. I grabbed Vin's hand and led him out. "As long as we don't raise any suspicion and keep a low profile, we should be fine. I have a feeling that we aren't exactly in some sort of Victorian themed party or whatever. So try not to use too much different vocabs, okay." I whispered to him in Hindi. That is one of my native languages along with English, and (another language). I taught Vin some as well.

"Got it. Let's go get a drink then?" We made our ways over to a butler that had a tray of drinks. "Excuse me sir, but what drinks are these?"

"Fine wine, Pinot Noir." He replied.

"Oh I see, do you perhaps have water?" The butler pointed over to another one who also had a tray of drinks. We thanked him and made our way over to the other. As we were going there, from the corner of my eye, I saw someone who I'd never imagine seeing. Ever.

William fucking James Moriarty.

'How the hell is he here!? He's only a fictional character... There is no way it isn't someone else, the resemblance is too uncanny for him to be someone else. If he is actually William, then that means we really have been transported back in time and a whole fucking different dimension. We better try to steer clear of them and any of the brothers. I think, who knows what could happen then.' While fidgeting with the piercing below my bottom lip, I returned back to our new reality, I saw Vin hold out a glass of water towards me. I took it with a shaky hand. 'This should help. I should let Vin know where we are. Though I'm pretty sure he knows now since he also has this look of shock...'

"Vin?" I whispered.

"You know where we are right..." He looked back at me. I hesitantly nodded. "Well... at least we know where and when we are..."

"If he is here, and the ship... that means we are in the Noahtic arc, where the fucker Blitz Enders dies and Liam meets Sherlock..." We had already looked away before William could feel our gazes. Vin had finished his glass of water and I had a half left. He told me he was going to put the glass away, so I nodded and stayed where I was, which was good for me, because the realization of where we were had an effect on my legs. They were trembling.

You'd think this is a dream come true, but it isn't. If you don't know what to do to survive. This is a time period where discrimination was very big and for numerous differences. Technology and the medical fields are no way near as advanced as they are in the 21st century. Not to mention the crimes and scandals. Sure it's big in our time as well, but still. This is new territory. Being a minority in multiple categories doesn't help in the slightest.

After gaining a bit of confidence and balance, I straightened out my back and stood up a bit more properly, but not to the point where it looks so weird. I was about to take a step forward, till something, or rather someone had bumped into me. Making me spill my precious water on them.

Blitz Enders.

'Shit, of all people, it just had to be him. You know, any of the Moriarty gang would have been a bit better than this. Fuck my life so hard right now.'
Author's Note: Hello everyone! I decided to write my own Moriarty fanfic because there are many that are based around the isekai trope. I hope you all will enjoy this and I'll try my best. Please leave some constructive comment or criticism that could help improve the story or writing. No rude comments please!
Have a nice day/afternoon/ evening/ night!

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