She nods in response and waves back.


After catching my mom up on everything that went on at school. Even the Tristan part.. I havent told her that I've seen him at that bookstore that one day though. I fell onto the bed of my room. So exhausted..

Even though I would choose not to go back if i could. I kind of want to go back, but why? PE was kind of great. Only because we were playing volleyball. Getting to see new people was kind of fun too.

I decide to go to the park. I was in need of some fresh air. I put on some casual clothes and a jacket. I put on my boots and hurry to the door.

"Hilda!" I call out.

"Yeah!" She responds.

"I can go to the park right?!" I ask, hoping she would agree because I already put my clothes on.

"Sure, honey! Just be back before 9 i guess."

I smile. "Okay see you later!"

I hurry out the door and into the town. Where are the parks around here? I continue to walk searching for a swingset, monkey bars, so on.
Aha! I run to the swing and take a seat. I swing high into the air with the crisp breeze flowing through my tresses and spilling onto my face

I take in the scenery and see a girl and a guy talking together next to the monkey bars. As the girl turned toward my direction i realized it was Rory?!
I jump up from the swing and jog over to them.

"Hi Rory!" I say excitedly.

"Oh my god! Y/n! What are you doing here?" She asks smiling softly.

"I was just exploring around, y'know." I smile. "Whatre you doing here?"

"I was just here with Dean.." she gestures over to the tall guy next to her and my eyes widen in return.

"You look familiar." He says looking at me.

"So do you." I say raising my eyebrows, chuckling.

"Antique store?" He adds.

"You know it." I smile then something strikes me.

"Wait.. Dean?" I ask in confusion.

"Yes...? Dean." He raises a brow.

I study him intently.
"Dean Forester?!" I finally remembered the last name.

"What the? How do you know my name?" He asks practically trying looking through the mud.

"Elementary school. Remember? We were in kindergarten through third grade together." I bring up.

"Oh my goodness.. youre so right. Y/.. Y/n L/n?" He discloses.

I nod, smiling.
"Its so nice to see you again." I reach my hand out to his. He returns it and shakes my hand too.

"Yeah, it really is. What school did you go to after third?" He asks.

"Well.. i went to a suburban one in a smaller town. So thats why i didnt attend Redwood anymore."

He nods.
"Redwood missed you Y/n." He chuckles

I cross my arms.
"Sure they did."
"Wait what highschool did you go to..?"

"Well back in Chicago, I went to Washington Highschool, but now Im at Stars Hollow. Wait hold on, are you attending Stars Hollow?"

"Um no.. Im going to Chilton, as of now." I smile sadly.

"Oh. Rory, where's the debate with your mom headed?" He asks turning his attention to her.

"Not looking to well. It looks like im headed towards Chilton." She frowns.
"No offense, Y/n" She glances over to me.

"No, it's fine. I understand you. You have a whole life here, with memories at your school. Then, you'll have to go to a different one and start over and you're not even sure if it's worth it. So, i understand." I nod, smiling sadly.

"Thanks Y/n." She returns the same facial expression.

"Well, i think id be on my way." I nod to the direction of somewhere out of nowhere.

"Wait!" Rory calls out.

I turn back around in concern.

"You went.. you went to Chilton today right? Was it your first day?" She asks.

"Oh yeah i went today. It was pretty fun I'd say. It wasnt as bad as i actually thought it'd be, it was interesting." I ramble on.
"The people.. well they were competitive, for sure." "A lot of work to catch up on though. Becaus were in a middle of a lesson in every single class. Maybe wait till these current lessons are done,then come. There'll be alot less turbulence."

"Well it doesn't sound completely bad.." Rory shrugs at both of us.

"Its not. It's not as bad as you think." I smile.
"Just something new to adjust to. I hope your happy where you end up though."

"Right.. hope so.."

I nod and wave the both of them goodbyes.


Super - Natural Girl  Tristan Dugray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now