Ain't Got You II

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"Sam..." You mumble, suddenly extremely interested in the wall that's just behind Sam's head, doing anything to avoid his gaze, "We can't go back to how it was. You know that."

He laughs bitterly, "Wey, I didn't know we had a kid, so you never kna."

"Don't be like that," You scowl, "Do you wanna meet your son? I finish at 4 today."

Sam shakes his head, "I can't be a dad, Y/N. I couldn't have done it then; I can't do it now."

"If that's what you want..." You whisper, hoping that maybe he would've agreed. "Why did you come and see me, Sam?"

He runs his hand through his hair, sighing, "I don't know. Guess I just wanted to see how you were. I didn't expect any of this."

"Thought you'd just be looking for a shag, if I'm being completely honest. For old times sake," You admit. Your relationship with Sam was never just physical but with the life he's living now, being famous, you can't see him settling into a steady relationship any time soon.

He shrugs, "I mean, I wouldn't object."

"Knew it," You roll your eyes, already going back to the flirtatious teasing that you spent a good year doing before he finally asked you out, "You never grow up, do you?"

He leans back in his chair, "Where's the fun in that? See? This is why I can't be a dad. I barely aged past 12, emotionally."

"He knows about you, by the way," You say, recalling the conversations you've had with your son about why he doesn't have a dad to take him to the football on the weekends like all the other boys at school do, "I wasn't going to keep you a secret from him. He loves Hypersonic Missiles."

A smile twitches at his lips, "It's mental, innit? We've got a kid."

"You sure you don't wanna see him?"

He shakes his head, the smile suddenly gone, "That's really not a good idea."

"What's the worst that could happen?" You ask, raising an eyebrow, "You can't cause any damage if that's what you're worried about."

He frowns, "Be honest, am I ever gonna see you again after today?"

"If you want to. We could try."

"I just... I don't want to fall back in love with you, properly, have that experience of being a dad, and then lose it all," He sighs. "We were never gan work out. I haven't changed all that much."

"You seem like you have," You say gently.

He chews on his bottom lip, "I guess you were right. Maybe I did just want a shag. I can't- I'm sorry, Y/N."

"Sam, wait!" You call out as he stands up and turns to leave, "Please. Just... give us a chance?"


Sam stands awkwardly with his hands on his pockets as you wait to meet James. He's trying his best to be inconspicuous but only serves to make himself look incredibly suspicious.

"Stop fretting," You whisper, absentmindedly intertwining your fingers with his, "You'll be fine. Promise."

He swallows, "I'm gan be sick, me like."

"Don't be daft," You smile reassuringly, "Trust me."

The bell rings from the school and a wave of children floods out of the door, followed by teachers. As soon as James spots you he runs with a wide grin on his face, but stops the second he sees Sam.

"Dad?" He whispers, staring straight at his father.

Sam shuffles on his feet, "Hiya, kid."

James's bottom lip quivers, "But, but, but."

"I knew this was a bad idea," Sam mumbles, "I should go. Sorry."

Before he can leave, he finds James's arms wrapped around his legs. A smile spreads across his face as it hits him. That's his son. His family.

That missing piece in his heart had been filled, and he knew then that only you could do it.

A/N: Sorry it's so short and a bit crap x

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