Chapter 13

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Georgia POV
*After Magcon Event*

"That was amazing!" Holly squealed. Me and her were both in tears. It didn't feel real at all. I remember a couple of weeks ago, me and her at school obsessing over them. And now we're in Cali (where me and her hoped to one day move out to:)) at Magcon. I will never get over this.

"I know!" I cried back. As we were staying with Magcon, we were going backstage to meet up with them, before their meet and greet. We walked out to the security guard who would take us there safely. He looked exactly the same as Kirby from The Suite Life On Deck. (A/N RIP Kirby, you were an amazing actor and loved watching you on Suite Life! You will be missed!) After have a joke around with the security man, who was very funny might I add, we made it backstage. Once we were in the green room we saw everyone sat down, laughing or chatting. Over in the corner was Shan and Lox laughing? That is going to be my first question. I went to walk over to them, when I felt myself being lifted off the ground and flung over someone's shoulders. I screamed out and was about to start kicking when they lowered me down so I was looking straight ahead, between their legs but upside down. Suddenly Taylor's head appeared out of no where.

"SOOO!" He said dragging out the 'o'. "How much do you love us!"

"I would love you much more if I was on the ground!" I said annoyed.

"Okay lower her down," Taylor said.

"WAIT!" I heard someone yell.

"WHAT? THIS CANT WAY I COULD DIE!" I yelled back. Soon enough, again, a face appeared in front of me, but this time it was Matt.

"So won't be long, stay right there and listen okay," Matt asked.

"It's not like I can go anywhere, but if I die it's on you!" I replied. Matt just smiled and stood up. He then explained how he wanted to do a vine about 'Mr Steal Yo Girl'. He said that I would start to lean up off of Cam's back and he would grab me and pull me around his waist, then walk off past Cam. So I was on Cam's back. Should have guessed that. I told them they would have to hurry up or I wasn't doing it. Nash started to count down from 3, so I knew when to go. He got to 1, and I pushed calf's against Cam's chest which lifted me up. I then stuck my arms out and wrapped them around Matt's neck, whilst I let my legs slide off Cam. I tried to make a small impact against Matt and then wrapped my legs around his waist. We then put our heads together he put his arms around my waist, before walking off past Cam who just watched us walk past.

"GOT IT!" Nash shouted. Matt put me down and I regained my balance.

"Thanks man," Matt said grabbing his phone off Nash. "You too G!" I gave him a puzzled look. "Yes I'm now going to call you G!" He sassed. The boys all went back to what they were doing before, as though nothing happened. I looked over at Holly and she was sat with Carter. Eh she'll be fine I thought, so I took the opportunity to talk to Shan about Lox.

"Explain?" I asked her.

"Well basically, Lox likes Shawn. Keep it a secret okay?" I just nodded. "Anyway she thought I was going to take Shawn away from her so she reacted. But I soon just explained that me and Shawn had nothing going on, we barely even spoke. I even mentioned me and Jack are here to try things out. She felt bad and apologised and we started again, and turns out she's really nice!" Shan explained to me.

"Got it!" I said and left it with that. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

*Later that night*

Magcon was all over now and afterwards we ordered pizza and went to Matt's hotel room. Jack G and Shan weren't here so they must of been together. It was now 11pm and I was getting really tired. I told them all I was going back to our room and Hayes offered to come with me. I gladly took the offer and we made our way back. "I'm just getting in the shower quickly, won't be long!" I said and remembered to take my pj's in with me this time. I tied up my hair and got in, letting the warm water flow over me. I washed my face and body, then stepped out onto the fluffy bath mat. I loved that feeling. I forgot to take off my make up before I got in, so I made myself jump when I looked in the mirror. I then did everything else I had to do before leaving the bathroom, cautious as to what happened last night. I looked round the corner and Hayes was just lead on the bed, his face illuminated by his phone screen. "Hey, you going in there now?" I asked him.

"Yeah won't be long," he said placing his phone done on the bedside table and running past me towards the bathroom. I then grabbed my own phone and sat on the bed. I checked my updates and then when I got to check my vine.. 1,490 new followers. What? I then realised it was because Matt had tagged me in his vine, which turned out very well and was very funny. After a little while longer of chatting to some old friends, Hayes came out. "I'm back," he said.

"I can see that," I said laughing. He then came over and joined me on the bed, and I let out a yawn. I bet that was attractive.
"You want to go to sleep?" He asked me.

"That would be nice!" I replied already starting to get under the covers and shutting my eyes.

"Then so will I," Hayes said, I opened one eye and he got in next to me.

"Umm?" Hayes slept with me last night?

"Oh right yeah, Cam and Nash are sharing so that leaves me and you. Hope you don't mind!"

"No course not!" I said blushing. I quickly turnt the other way so he wouldn't see. Before I finally fell asleep I said goodnight to him and gave him a hug. Always wanted to do that, but he doesn't need to know that. As I put my head back down and fell asleep instantly, but I could of sworn he said, "Night, I love you," or was that just my imagination? (A/N That's one of my favourite Shawn Mendes songs!)

*Next Day*

Shannon POV

I woke up the next morning with a massive smile on my face. Me and Jack were finally together, I couldn't wait to tell Georgy. But first I need to freshen up, I think I have sand in my hair. The Jack's weren't in so they must be out somewhere, probably eating. I got in the shower and put on some Shawn Mendes to wash my hair to.

"I'll leave you with the memories, and the Aftertaste," I sung out. I then stepped out the shower and wrapped myself in the towel. I presumed they both weren't back yet so I left to get my clothes, still in my towel. I looked over at the bed and.. Shawn? He obviously heard me and turnt his head.

"Oh sorry Gilinsky asked me to grab his phone. Nice singing by the way you're actually really good," he said standing up to leave.

"Shawn," I moaned, banging my hands against the wall. "Get out!"

"Okay, okay I'm just leaving!"

Taylor POV

Me and Carter were walking down to the pool to meet up with the other guys and that's when we heard it. "Shawn," we heard Shan moan then banging on the wall. We're they..? I looked at Carter and he looked back at me. We were both thinking the same thing. "Dude we gotta tell the others! Come on let's go!" I said to Carter running off.

Jack G POV

Me and the other boys were sat by the pool, when Taylor and Carter came running out. "Yo guys, you'll never guess what we heard Shan and Shawn doing!" Taylor said winking.

"Let's just say there was moaning and banging walls!" Carter added and they both started laughing. I was furious, this better not be true I had to go check. I pushed past them both and took the stairs up to the room as it was quicker. I unlocked the door and Shan was currently throwing on a top. But was that Shawn's top?

"You didn't!" I yelled at Shan. She spun around.

"What?" She asked, sounding confused. Was she honestly going to play it off like this...


A/N Heyy

I'm really bad at updating on the right days at a decent time. Sorry about that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter AY. What do you think about what will happen? It's all planned out and I'm looking forward to the next couple of chapters, so I hope you are too! Anyway don't forget to comment, favourite and share and enjoy this late update I will work on getting them up on time. Love you all ♡

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