Chapter 6- The tour and more.

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Once you return from Hogwarts on your broom, Narcissa is more than happy to greet you back inside the manor. She proceeds to show you to one of the many guest bedrooms in the manor, this room will be where you are staying for the time being. The bedroom in which you are staying is just a couple doors down from Narcissa's. Narcissa explains to you that while you're here if you ever need anything just knock on her door and she'll try her best to be of any help. You get unpacked and sort your clothes in a neatly fashion. After you're done setting up your room you roam around the manor in attempts to find Narcissa again. You finally find her down stairs in the living room. You slowly approach her, seeing that she is reading The Daily Prophet.

"Anything interesting?" You ask as you stand behind the arm chair she is sitting in, tilting your head in curiosity.

She raises her head to look up at you, somewhat caught off guard with your presence, "Y/N." , she says with a smile. Answering your question she looks back at the paper and then back to you, "No not really. The same old same old.", as she says this she turns the page.

The next page though catches your eye. She's about to shut the paper after a quick glance over the pages but you stop her pointing at the page. It's contents included a sub heading underneath the title was a picture of a man, scruffy looking, clothes all ragged , his hair a mess as well as it's looking like it hasn't been washed in weeks, a stubbly beard and moustache and two scars on his face. One of the scars underneath his left eye and the other on his bottom lip. Above the image the headline reads 'MISSING'. Narcissa confused follows her gaze to where you are pointing. She starts to read the article out loud and you remove your finger, leaning gently on the arm chair.

"It says that a man, a wizard, is missing. Apparently he has escaped a mental hospital. He is armed and dangerous. Last seen in Diagon Alley. If you are to find him please contact the hospital" She reads.

"Shit...." you mutter to yourself.

Narcissa looks up to you confused. when she reads you're expression her feeling changes to concern, "Are you alright Y/N?"

You don't respond to her , you're currently just frozen in place, deep in thought, your facial expression just reads fear. Narcissa is starting to get even more concerned about you now. She slowly reaches for your hand (which was resting on the chair) and gently places her hand on it.

"Y/N?" She says her voice being soft and worry emanating from her tone. She gently squeezes your hand when she speaks your name.

You finally snap back to reality and your head shoots down to look at her. "Pardon?" , you answer finally.

Narcissa repeats herself, "Are you alright?" and follows with "What's wrong?"

You shake your head a little, "Nothing, sorry. I'm alright don't worry."

Narcissa continues to look at you unconvinced, "Are you sure?"

You nod hastily. Sensing that you just want to change the subject Narcissa offers to give you a tour.

"Would you like to have a look around?" She asks as she points to the doorway signalling going for a look around the manor.

You nod, "That sounds great! Thank you."

Narcissa gets up from the seat and sets The Daily Prophet down on the coffee table, you step aside to let her pass and she walks out the door. You follow her not far behind. Narcissa shows you the rest of the guest bedrooms...which is a lot. She then shows you to the bathroom suite, which is just massive. After that is the library , all you can do (when you step foot into the library) is gaze in awe. The library is almost as big as the one at Hogwarts or possibly even bigger, it has three floors to it and the bookcases contain lushes of decorated books resting upon their shelves. You sense a comfy, cozy feeling that the library brings to you. You haven't even read the books and yet you feel at home. Narcissa (giggling to her self) has to practically gently drag you out of the library to show you more of the manor. You just finish up exploring the manor when the grand father clock chimes, signalling that it is time for supper. You look to Narcissa and she looks disappointed.

"What's wrong?" You ask her.

"Oh nothing, I was just hoping to show you the gardens. They're my favourite part of this place." She explains with a soft smile.

"Well then, why not show me tomorrow? I have no plans." ,you suggest to her.

Her smile turns into a grin and she nods her head. "Deal.", she agrees. "Join us for supper?", she asks

"Of course." You reply.

You two head over to the dining room to have Draco already sitting at the table, waiting for you. 'Nah it's more likely he's just waiting for the food.' you think. Narcissa sits in her place from before and you do the same, taking your place next to her. The food swiftly arrives and you start to eat. Narcissa starts to make polite conversation with you.

"So..Y/N what are you taking for your N.E.W.Ts?" She asks.

You look at her as she puts some food in her mouth, watching as she slowly pulls the fork out from her lips. 'Y/N what have I said about thinking about her lips?! Stop it!', you snap yourself out of your wondering thoughts and answer her,

"Oh well I take, Charms, Defence against the dark arts, Herbology , Transfiguration, Alchemy, Care of magical creatures and The study of ancient runes. Oh and Potions. For other activities around school I'm well as you know in the Quidditch team but I also take part in the Duelling club as well. I'm also looking into becoming a Animagus."

Narcissa just looks at you in awe, "Smart girl." She says subtly biting her bottom lip and smiling.

You freeze and your cheeks turn a rosy shade of pink, 'Fuck me.' you think as you stare at Narcissa, flustered. You take a gulp and Narcissa glances down at your throat.

"Why would you want to take Care of magical creatures? That sounds like something a Hufflepuff would do." Thank the moon ,the stars and fucking Draco for cutting in with his snarky bullshit, for a moment there you thought you could feel Narcissa undress you with her eyes.

Narcissa looks at Draco, "Draco , don't be rude."

You cut in, "No no, it's fine. You see , I take the care of magical creatures because if you learn to take care of them properly , you can befriend them which is important because they have proven themselves quite useful in some extraordinary situations." You explain to Draco.

"Ohh..." Draco replies understanding your logic more now.

"Makes sense?" You ask and he nods his head.

The three of you continue eating dinner after that, you and Draco bickering about small things whilst having conversations with Narcissa, Narcissa doesn't take it seriously she just sits there and laughs quietly at that the both of you.

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