Chapter 5- Dinner With The Malfoys (Part 2)

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You followed Narcissa into the living room, You've been sitting there for a while now, enjoying polite conversation with the older witch you admire the beauty of. Narcissa's sat on the sofa with a tea cup in her lap and you're sat in an arm chair opposite to her, listening closely to every word she has to say. Her voice is so sweet and soft you feel as if you can listen to her for hours. She takes a sip of her tea and says:

"Oh god when you reached out for Draco but you didn't catch him at first.. so you flipped yourself upside down, I was so scared that both of you would fall.", she tells you in amazement, "Were you not scared?"

You think about it, "No? I mean I was scared that I wasn't gonna catch him in time but the fear of falling myself, wasn't there."

"Were you just that confident that you weren't going to fall?" She raises the cup to her lips. You quickly glance down at her lips taking in a deep breath.

"No not really. I don't really care if I fall." You shrug.

She gives you a look of concern as she swallows her tea, "Why?"

You reach out for your tea cup that was resting on the coffee table, "I don't know. I guess I just never seen myself as that important." Once the tea cup is in your hand you draw back into your seat and take a sip.

Whereas Narcissa puts her tea cup on the table keeping eye contact with you, her expression not changing from being worried. "You should care. People care about you Y/N."

You raise your eyebrow, "Oh yeah? Like who?" You ask as you take another sip of your tea.

Narcissa leans back into the sofa, "Well like your friends, your family-"

You scoff at the mention of your family caring about you.

"And me." Narcissa finishes.

You cough and nearly spit out your tea but you manage to keep it down, you swallow the tea and give Narcissa a look of surprise.

"You? You care about me?", you say confused.

"Yes I do, and this is why I think it's important for you to loo-"

You cut her off, still fixated on her, "Why? Why do you care about me?"

She just looks at you making perfect eye contact, "I..I don't know. If I'm being honest. All I know is that I do. In fact I care about you more now after you saved Draco."

You just stare at her still too surprised to reply.

"This is why I think it's important for you to look after yourself more. And keep your safety in mind as well as others."

When everything she says sets in you just smile brightly at her. "Thank you."

She returns the smile, "You're welcome."

She leans forward again delicately taking her tea cup in her hands again and gently leaning back into the sofa.

You break the silence by saying her name, "Narcissa?"

She looks up from her tea to you.

"Narcissa." You slowly say , letting it fly of your tongue, "I hope you don't mind me saying, but your name is quite beautiful. As well as yourself." You look at her, admiring her.

Narcissa turns a bright red at your statement, she then goes onto biting her bottom lip gently, quickly glancing at your lips and then to the floor, flustered. "T-thank y-you. Y/N you're quite pretty yourself." Smiling she glances at the grand father clock and swiftly gets up putting her tea cup back on the coffee table. She awkwardly points to the clock still clearly flustered. "It's time for dinner."

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