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Happy Harbor: February 25: 18:38 EST

Connor and M'gann were in their apartment in their normal civilian clothes. M'gann was sitting on the couch as she was watching Tod doing a news broadcast. She was in her human form, Megan Morse. Connor was leaning against the kitchen counter, his right foot also against it. He had his eyes closed as his arms were folded over his chest.

"The Outsiders have posted that they're welcoming new members Terra, Forager and Superboy to the--" Tod reported, as an image of Tara, Forager, and Connor in their hero uniforms was seen next to him.

M'gann used the remote to turn off the TV. "So, you're a public hero now?" She asked her fiance telepathically, looking saddened.

Connor unfolded his arms and put his hands on the counter, and his right leg down on the ground, and stepped away from the counter. "It's time." He replied, as he looked towards his fiance with his eyes open. He then started walking over to her.

M'gann looked down and looked back as Connor passed her. "I guess it's time I give this back." She said sadly, putting her engagement ring on the table.

Connor was now sitting next to his fiance. "I hope not." He said, picking up the emgagement ring off the table and looked at it, as M'gann was looking down at her lap. Connor remembered that he had picked it out with help from Nick/Phoenix and Zatanna.

"If you don't trust me, If you can't truly forgive me..." M'gann said to her fiance, still looking down, as Connor looked away from the engagement, and towards his fiance sadly.

"I was hoping you'd trust and forgive me." Connor admitted, looking away from his fiance, and looked down. "You made hard choices, and I dredged up old wounds." He said, turning to look at his fiance again. He looked down. "I'm sorry." He apologized. He raised his eyebrows. "M'gann, I can't imagine my life without you. Just like Nick/Phoenix and Zatanna can't be apart from each other. Especially now that they are both immortal, married, and are parents to Tara. And they now have a second child on the way." He said.

M'gann looked at her fiance.

Connor was still looking down at his lap. "So if you'll still have me..." He said, before he looked up, looking slightly surprised as M'gann leaned forward to kiss him, closing her eyes as she did. Connor quickly accepted the kiss and closed his eyes as he moaned into it.

M'gann then pulled away from the kiss and opened her eyes as she smiled at her fiance. "Nick was right when he said that we only had to talk to each other." She informed him, remembering the talk with her New God brother at The Orphanage.

Connor smiled when he heard this, his eyes also open. "I'm glad that he was right." He said, smiling at his fiance.

"Me, too." M'gann grinned at her fiance, before she leaned in to kiss him again, closing her eyes again. Connor closed his eyes as well and moaned into the second kiss, as he had his left arm wrapped around her waist, and she had her left hand on his chest.

M'gann and Connor put on each other's wedding rings.

"They fit!" M'gann said eagerly to her fiance telepathically. "Now, quick, we have to take them off again!" She said, as they took off the wedding rings.

"For just a little while longer." Connor assured her, as he gave her back her wedding ring, and she gave him his one, before they both put their rings away.

Happy Harbor: February 25: 07:38 EST: ONE YEAR LATER...

M'gann and Connor were standing outside the Carr house. There was a white police SUV parked next to M'gann's yellow car. Sphere was in her sphere mode near Bio-Ship, who was in her ship form.

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