hot women

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"Luigi? Like Mario AND Luigi?" Luigi sighed, rethinking his decisions.

"Yes, please stop asking these questions. It's getting worrying." I pressed my fingers to my forehead.

"Holy shit. I haven't even showered today! Gosh... how was it fighting Bowser? Did you ever like, die when fighting?" He purses his lips.

"Well, not technically..."

"Luigi? Who's this?" A feminine voice came from behind us. There stood a woman. She wears light blue jacket, her hair is a light blonde and her eyes are an bright sky blue.

'AWOOGA- What the fuck is wrong with me.' Luigi smiled at her.

"Rosalina, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Rosalina." She smiled at you, the way her lipstick sways on her lips.

'Holy shit, she is so fine.'

She outstretched her hand, which made me panic. My hands were sweaty but I don't wanna seem rude or weird.

Shakily, I took her hand. It didn't seem like she cared about how it felt as if my hand was going to slip out of hers.

"Rosie! Don't just walk away from us like that!" Two princess and a woman in red walked into the scene and I felt like a blushing mess mess.

"Sorry about that girls, Luigi was here! And with someone new too. Their names (Y/N)!" Everybody turned to me. Oh lord, please have mercy, why does everyone look so hot?

"Awe! They look so clueless!" The one in orange added.


"Oh my god! I think they fainted!"

"Of course they fainted! They have blood coming from their nose..."

"Well what are you waiting for?! Call an ambulance!"

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