Soft (Vil Schoenheit x Reader)

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Crunch... crunch... crunch...

The fresh snow collapsed effortlessly under your boots, the delightful sound putting a smile on your already reddened face. Spending any more time in this weather will only cause your face to go numb, but you don't care. Not when it's your first time seeing snow like this!

Things really seem more magical here, in Twisted Wonderland... or maybe it's because you're spending the holidays with someone special?

As if on cue, the sound of steps approaching alert you to the new arrival.

"Vil!" you turn to your boyfriend, excitement clear in your voice "Look at how much snow there is!"

Your widening smile causes the young man in question lets out a small chuckle, endearment coating his features. "Yes, it snowed quite heavily, so this is to be expected." he nods before continuing "Now be careful where you step! I don't want you to get hurt."

Grabbing his hand, you move to lace your fingers together "I don't think I have to worry about falling as long as I'm with you." is your resolve.

Soft lips meet your temple before he speaks again:

"I do hope you're not planning on dragging me into the snow if you end up slipping." there's playfulness in his tone.

"But you'll catch me anyways!" you protest.

"Hmm, will I?" he questions.

You gasp! mock offence clear on your face.

Stopping dead in your tracks, you point an accusing finger at your dear boyfriend.

"I shall demand reparations for your offence in kisses and hugs!" now facing him fully, you wait for his answer:

"Then I shall gladly pay for my misdeed." Vil's sentence is followed by a kiss to each one of your cheeks, before going in to capture your lips. "I do love you very much, after all."

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