The Flyer [(harpy) Dire Crowley x Reader] part 2

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(reader is not mc, reader is obviously of age)

warning: quite suggestive

A flutter of wings.

A knock at your window.

Bright yellow eyes that shine strangely peer at you through the darkness.

He's back.

How... exciting...

Quickly abandoning the safety and comfort of your bed you approach the locked glass separating you from the man standing on the other side.

There, he waits, not as composed as you've seen him before, but with disheveled hair and a half-unbuttoned shirt.

He watches every single movement you produce with great interest and expectations. There's an almost predatory glint in his sharp eyes, but you gulp down your anxieties... far out weight by another feeling.

He doesn't even wait for the window to be properly open, slightly cracking open the panes of glass is enough invitation for such a creature. Not that you mind.

His lips land on yours before his claws even reach the floor. There is need, wanting... almost desperation in this passionate kiss you share.

As you part for air, you barely manage to get some words out "You're back-" and another kiss.

And another.

And another... and the kisses keep trailing downwards, but not before he gives you a humble confession:

"I don't believe I've shown you just how generous I can be... the last time we've been together... do allow me to give you a proper demonstration."

Well, you can't just refuse such a good offer, now can you?~

Twisted Wonderland x Reader One-ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt