Mission 1: Become a Magic Knight! Part 2

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For the next few tests Anya fared pretty decently with the few offensive spells she knew. Waiting for the final test where she could show off the months of training with Yor that she had endured. Her hands calloused from gripping her sword and mind exhausted from memorizing techniques. She was nervous, but excited at the same time.

"And now for the final test! You will engage in actual combat, you will choose a partner to fight with. The main job of a magic knight is battle, show us what you're made of!" Vangeance announced.

The other examinees tensed up as they looked around at each other.

("If we lose it's not gonna look good to the captains...")

("We need to choose our opponents wisely.")

("Better find someone that looks pretty weak.")

("That girl's got such stubby legs and she looks pretty weak, I bet I could beat her.")

That thought in particular made Anya's blood boil since she knew it was about her and right on queue a douchey looking guy with slicked back green hair, snakelike yellow eyes and a smug smile walked up to her.

"Hey there, did you get lost, kid? You gotta be at least 15 to be here." He said with an equally douchey laugh. All Anya did was roll her eyes in response, she wanted so badly to sock him in the face, but she'd have to wait.

"Why don't you be my partner?" He grabbed her by the chin and tilted her head up to look at him. "I promise I'll take it easy on you."

Anya felt like throwing up. "Fine." Anya snapped as she swatted his hand away.

Anya watched as Asta and his sketchy looking partner took to the center of the stadium as the captains watched their moves carefully.

"Bronze Creation Magic: Sekke Magnum Cannon Ball!"

(Asta's opponent is thinking some pretty sketchy things, but I guess that spell is kinda cool even if he is an asshole. I hope Asta will be okay, I wonder what he has up his sleeve...)

Asta opened up his mucky grimoire, pulling a huge greatsword from within it. It was pitch black and looked as if it was coated in something. Then in the blink of an eye Asta rushed towards his opponent before he could react, crushing him under the weight of his giant sword as he sliced through his spell. Anya's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as did everyone else's. Asta stood up straight and rested his sword on his shoulder as he spoke.

"I'm not here to join the magic knights just so I can have fun and laze around... I'm here to work my butt off and become the wizard king!" He announced, a serious look on his face.

"Is he serious?"

"What's with him?"

"What a pathetic kid, does he really think he can become the wizard king?"

"HEY! Who are you calling pathetic!" Asta spat back.

"This guy is delusional."

The other examinees continued to laugh as Asta argued back at them.

"What's so funny about a guy following his dream?" Anya questioned as she stepped over to face the crowd.

"Oh great, a commoner, don't tell me you want to be the wizard kind too..."

"Get out of here! This isn't about you!"

"HA! A commoner defending a peasant, how noble!"

Anya gave the crowd a glare that sent chills down their spines before continuing.

"You people care too much about status... anyone can become the wizard king and I'm sure someone will prove you all wrong one day. I mean, you saw what he just did, I'm sure you wouldn't want to end up like his opponent." Anya mocked.

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