𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊: 𝕮𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖑 𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖒𝖆

Comenzar desde el principio

Wednesday approached me and took my hand, and we walked away. We stopped at a booth with a bunch of stuffed pandas, and I wanted one.

Wednesday and I picked up a dart each and started to pop each balloon, trying to pop the most balloons before they were all out. I was totally winning when Xavier came up to us and said, "Jeez, get any better at this. You'll be taking home a whole pack". As he was speaking, I was looking him up and down. He sure knew how to dress.

"Pandas don't travel in packs. They prefer solitude, darling," I told him, making him nod and say, "Hint taken. Though I didn't expect you two to be here."

"We're waiting for someone", Wednesday cut in. Before Xavier could ask who, Tyler appeared behind Wednesday like a creep. "I didn't mean to interrupt", he said.

The tension between the two was evident and funny.

"You're not," Wednesday told Tyler, oblivious or uncaring of the testosterone wafting off the boys.

"I'll see you later, handsome", I told Xavier, watching his frown turn into a smile. He then walked away, knowing we were busy.

"This is gonna be trickier than I thought. Dad hit me with a curfew. We need to go if I'm gonna make it back in time." Tyler explained to us.

Wednesday nodded, glanced at Principal Weems, and told him, "I've got some dead weight I need to lose first. Meet me behind the parking lot when the fireworks start." Tyler nodded and walked away towards the parking lot.

The booth owner handed Wednesday a medium-sized panda whilst he gave me a large one that dwarfed my petite structure. I took it with a small smile. Wednesday ignored the prize and looked up at him, and smirked slightly. "You see that sad, lonely woman over there?" She asked, nodding to Weems, and the owner nodded, and Wednesday continued, "She needs this pathetic validation more than I do."

I handed him a twenty and asked, "Would you mind distracting her?" The owner nodded and walked over to Weems. We waited for her to take her watchful eyes off us before we slipped away.

Just in time, we reached the parking lot just as the fireworks started.

Tyler walked up to us with a file in his hand. He said, "Hey before you leave, I wanted you to have this". Wednesday took the file and started reading it.

I knew my father, and he wasn't a killer. He was one of the gentlest and sweetest man I'll ever meet.

"It's your dad's police file from when he was at Nevermore. I think it's the reason my dad hates him. "Tyler informed us, watching Wednesday look through it. He quirked an eyebrow on Wednesday and asked, "You okay?"

I took that as the cue to leave. I snatched the file out of Wednesday's hand and walked away with my large panda in my other hand. I was skimming through the first page when a yell interrupted me, "Hey, freak!"

I looked to see the three annoying pilgrims from the Weathervane, holding baseball bats and trying to be menacing. I shook my head with laughter; they are annoying but amusing nonetheless. I couldn't do or say anything to them when someone grabbed my arm, pulling me away.

"Come on, we can lose them in the crowd!" Tyler screeched out, dragging both Wednesday and me away from the trio. We ran, dodging and weaving through the crowd. Wednesday collided into someone and had a vision. It didn't take long for her to snap out of it.

"What did you see?" I asked, concerned. I got no response, as Wednesday was focused on Rowan, the boy from the fencing incident. It probably involved him, then.

Wednesday ignored us both and chased after Rowan, leaving us confused. I followed after her, chasing her and Rowan. Wednesday was much faster than me, so I tried keeping up, but I was lagging behind. It didn't help I was wearing heels or the lack of light.

I was running after her on the bridge when my heel got caught. Luckily I caught myself before I fell head-first. "Fucking heels", I hissed out, taking them off quickly and holding them, still holding Lucien, my panda. I was not going to leave him behind simply because my twin thought running off into a dark forest was a good idea. I looked up, and there was no sign of my twin.

I cursed and continued to run, trying to find where Wednesday had gone. I stopped in frustration and looked around the dark forest, trees looming over me. I smiled when I heard the caws of Castamere. "This way!" he cawed, flying to the left where Wednesday hopefully was.

I ran after him barefoot. It was silent besides my breathing, my heaving footsteps and the flaps of Castamere's wings till a scream changed it. My eyes went wide, and I pushed my legs faster, praying to the devil my sister was hurt.

I was met with my sister hovering over Rowan, who was, I assume, dead, considering the blood and gashes covering his chest.

"Sister!" I yelled, running to her trembling form. I grabbed Wednesday and pulled her away from the dead body.

"We need to leave. This doesn't look good for us!" I yelled at Wednesday, dragging her away as she looked at Rowan in shock.



Short, very short chapter I know but I wanted to finish this episode. This was written like a week ago but I didn't have time to edit it and publish It, sorry. I'll upload the next chapter in a few days...hopefully.

The first chapters might be dull but it's just getting started. Solomon doesn't have that much words because I don't want her just taking all Wednesday's lines okay or it would just be boring. She'll talk more when the ball starts rolling and we see more of Dorian and Xavier.

Also you might be asking why do Dorian and Solomon 'like' each other so quickly? Well that's because Solomon is very sexual unlike Wednesday, she's also bored, annoyed, angry since she's kinda forced to go to boarding school and she's horny, it's been a while. Dorian is similar, he's old so he doesn't want to waste time. He also just wants to fuck. It's gonna be friends with benefits to lovers. Xavier is going to be friends to lovers. They will be fast paced relationships okay. But there's obviously going to be more scenes with each other to build that bond and relationship. I will be steering off the canon drama a little bit because Solomon doesn't really care that much about the hyde like Wednesday.

I love Enid and this isn't a Enid bashing story! It's just grumpy x sunshine kinda vibes, they'll soon be good friends. I'm also thinking of Wednesday x Enid after all the Hyde drama.

Stay tuned and thanks for reading!

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words: 1,531

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