Chapter One

Depuis le début

Girls all over the world should be praising my name. Of course, Braiden tried to get me to audition, too. I told him if he did, I would. But I became too scared. As we drove there, I threw up, and Braiden compromised with me. I didn't have to audition if I kept up theatre until I graduated high school.

Instead of performing at school, however, I just remained in drama at a fine arts center not too far from my home. However, because it was my senior year and Braiden was returning, I was positive I would be forced to audition for the school play and the musical. Well, the play. He still had no idea I could sing(I didn't think I was too wonderful...), and I wasn't planning on him ever finding out. He had no idea where I sang for openmic night, and he would never know.

Truthfully, he was never going to find out about my plays, my singing, my music, or any of my activities while he was away. What would he think of them? Of me? I didn’t want to find out.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I flipped down my mirror, applying a decent amount of make-up. My eyes were framed by liner and mascara, my scars on my face hidden by foundation, and my lips de-chap-itized by my trusty chap stick. I decided to brush on a small amount of eye shadow, too, and finally got out of the car. I wandered into the airport, sitting in the seat nearest his flight number.

Soon, I was joined by my parents and Jon and Lisa, too, but I was too eager to speak to them.

I sat in my seat, bouncing my leg up and down, drumming my fingers on my knee.

As we waited, I became more anxious. What if he didn’t want to see me? What if on the plane ride home he realized I was a small, stupid girl, now? I really was small. Sure, he didn’t know that, but I was only five feet and maybe four inches. I highly doubt I was even four inches. He’s a tall movie star, now. Why would he need me? I would hold him back, too. My thoughts when I was driving her just reinforced that and he didn’t need me. Why had he turned down those movies? Was it so he could rub his career in my face? Me being the nobody when we always bragged to each other about who was going to have a better life? It was obvious who that was at this moment.

No, he was probably only coming home for his parents. Maybe he wants to try a public school, too, and he chose Mentor High so he could make himself popular by telling embarrassing stories about me to get everyone to hate me and love him. Was he going to tell his new friends about the time I tripped over his foot and landed in the pile of dog poop?

My eyes widened as I realized the realm of possibilities of ways for him to ruin my life. He was a movie star, now, and he didn’t need me. In fact, he never needed me. Why had he even wasted his time on me? Why had he talked to me as often as he could when he was away? He texted me whenever he wasn’t filming, so much I had actually gotten my phone taken away seventeen times last year. Unfortunately(but also very fortunately), my grandpa was suffering cancer, so I claimed I had been texting my mother about his condition. Teachers never bothered to look at times and dates on the texts, so they always believed me and gave me their sympathies. Thankfully, by August his cancer was gone, and he had only just returned to his home a month ago, mid-September.

Finally, a voice came on over head announcing that his flight was unloading. I gasped, jumping out of my seat and running towards the gate. I had momentarily forgotten all of my worries. I was going to see my best friend! Now! Of course Braiden being famous, he flew first class and was let out before the others. A steady line of other first-classers trickled out of the plane, until, finally, I noticed a familiar mop of blonde hair. I opened my mouth to yell, but my breath caught in my throat. Was I really going to embarrass myself infront of an entire airport?

Instead, I simply watched as he descended the stairs, my eyes stuck on his face, willing him to look up and look into my eyes. As soon as our eyes met he was grinning like the Cheshire cat, rushing the man in front of him. He gave up eventually, and with a polite 'excuse me,' he shoved past the people before him, then sprinted towards me, his carry on bouncing against his back. "Riss!"

A Flower for YouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant