pt. 12

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max's pov:

"maxine what's wrong?" my mom asked again as she shut the front door. "it's none of your business." i told her as i took off my shoes. "well you can at least tell me how camp was?" she asked. "IT WAS FINE." i yelled as i went to my room with tears still running down my cheeks. "MAXINE!" i heard my mom yell before i slammed my bedroom door shut. i ran towards my bed, and sat down as i felt more tears flood my eyes.

by now i was almost hyperventilating. why can't i just be straight? why can't i just not like my own goddamn best friend? why can't i just be 'normal'??

i felt like i couldn't breath, as the thought that el would now hate me kept lingering in my mind. el was the only person who ever cared for me, who actually made me genuinely happy. now i've lost her forever. this is the thing that's wrong about me, i just screw up everybody's life's, my life. right now el is probably telling everyone how i'm such a shitty friend, and nothing but a dumb worthless dyk3.

in september when i go back to school, everyone is going to know i'm gay, and my life will be miserable at school, and at my house. suddenly a loud knock ripped me out of my thoughts.

"maxine?" my mom asked. "go away mom." i said inbetween sobs. "please let me in." she asked as she continued to knock. "I SAID GO AWAY." i yelled as my voice slightly broke. i stood up, and glanced down at the ground and saw something. my favourite item in the whole world. i quickly grabbed my skateboard, and ran over to the door, swinging it open and pushing passed my mom. "maxine!" she shouted as i ran out the front door.

i threw my skateboard down on the ground, and kicked off with my left foot. i was gliding down the road, as i could feel the wind in my ugly ginger hair. i didn't know where i was going, but wherever i would end up would be a thousand times better then that shithole with my mom.


after a bit i found myself skating around hawkins central park. it was pretty far away from the area i lived in, the area el lived in, so there was no chance to run into her. i was gliding down the side walk really fast, and more tears were still in my eyes. even though it's almost been an hour since i confessed to el by accident, i was still crying.

i looked up, and right in front of me was a tall girl, not much older then me, with dirty blond hair, and blue eyes. "WATCH OUT!" i yelled as i tried to swerve out of the way. she looked up from her note pad, and fear flashed in her eyes as i crashed into her.

my skateboard kept going and crashed into a near by garbage can, and i fell ontop of her.

"i'm so sorry! are you alright?" i asked her as i quickly got off of her. "yeah i'm fine," she said as she rubbed her forehead. "are you oka- woah what's wrong?" she asked as she stared at my red puffy eyes in shock. "oh uh nothing.." i said feeling slightly embarrassed. "you don't cry that much over nothing, what's wrong?" she asked again in a concerned voice. "it's nothing really, it's just something dumb." i told her. "hey, don't say it's dumb. if your crying over it then it's not dumb." she said as she put a hand in my shoulder.

"thanks.." i said quietly with a slight smile. "hey i was on the way to a coffee shop, you wanna come with me?" she suggested.

i hesitated for a second, but then agreed. i should of probably not gone somewhere with a stranger, but something about her just seemed nice, and trustworthy. plus she looked only a few years older then me. "so what's your name?" she asked as i picked up my skateboard and tucked it underneath my arm. "my names max." i told her. "nice, i'm robin." she said as she stuck out her hand for me to skate.

"nice to meet you robin." i said as i shook her hand.


"i will have an ice coffee please." robin said to the cashier. "alright, and what will you have?" the cashier asked me. "i'll have the same." i told her. "okay, coming right up." she said as she wrote down our order.

"are you sure you don't want me to pay?" i asked robin again. "yeah don't worry about it. my treat, you've obviously had a bad day. it's the least i can do." she said with a smile. i smiled back, and then spoke. "before i crashed into you, you had a notepad, what happened to it?" i asked her. "oh it's in my backpack." she said as she pulled the notepad out of her bag. "you were pretty concentrated, what were you writting?" i asked her. "oh it's dumb. it's just-"

"2 ice coffees!" the cashier yelled out. "i'll get them," i told robin asked i walked back over to the cashier. "thank you." i said as i took them. "no problem, have a good day." she said before she walked back into the back.

i walked back over to robin, and handed her the coffee. "let's go sit somewhere." she said as took a sip of her coffee.

we sat down at a table, and then i continued to speak, as she continued to sip her coffee. "so what we're you saying before we got interrupted?" i asked her. "oh it's kinda dumb what i was writting." she said as she looked slightly embarrassed. "it's not dumb if you were writing about it." i told her while slightly giggling. "eh.. i guess so.." she said still looking embarrassed. "so what was it?" i asked her again. "it's just uhm.. a love letter.." she confessed to me.

"oooo.. who for?" i asked her while smirking. "it's a secret." she told me while slightly blushing. "tell me please!!" i said as i tried to garb the note book.

even though i had just met robin not even 30 minutes ago, i felt like i've known her my entire life. i felt really comfortable and safe around her, and like i could be myself.

"um.. the letter is for my bestfriend.." she confessed. "what does it say?" i asked her. "it's kinda cringe.." she told me. "read it!" i told her. "fine.." she said as she sighed.

"uhm okay," she said as she took a deep breath. "dear nancy.." she red outloud. "wait hold up! you like a girl?" i asked her. "uh yeah.." she said as her face turned red out of embarrassment. "that's cool." i said smiling that i now have a friend that i can relate too. "your cool with that?" she asked with a hopeful smile. "yeah.. because i'm gay too.." i admitted to her. "that's cool!" she said while smiling. i nodded and  couldn't help but feel really shocked. holy shit, i just came out to a complete stranger, and she didn't even care. i looked at her again, then spoke. "so what is she like?" i asked her.

"uhm.. her name is nancy wheeler-" "WHEELER?" i asked feeling shocked. "yeah?" she answered looking confused. "please tell me she's not as bad as her shitty brother mike." i asked. "no no.. she is amazing.. she is funny and sweet, and caring, and smart, and loyal, and kind, and really really really pretty           and-" she paused and slightly stuttered. "sorry i'm rambling.." she said in a nervous tone. "hey, it's okay. i don't mind." i told her while smiling. she nodded and then spoke. "okay.. so do you like anyone red?" she asked me.


heading that nickname again, made the tears i've been trying to hide, come back all over again.

"woah woah what's wrong?" robin asked. "uhm.. can you please not call me red?" i asked as i felt a tear roll down my cheek. "yeah yeah of course, what's wrong with it though?" she asked with a concerned expression. "i'm like you i guess.. i'm also in love with my bestfriend.." i admitted to robin. "oh.. that's amazing max." robin said as she softly smiled. "no, no it isn't. she is straight and i confessed to her by accident.." i admitted to her as i felt another tear roll down my cheek. "oh.. what did she say?" robin asked me.

"i-i don't know.." i stuttered. "i ran away.." i continued. "do you don't know if she likes you or not?" robin asked me. "why would she? she's straight robin!" i told her. "how do you know that for sure?" she asked me. "she used to date nancys little brother mike.." i told her.

robins faced dropped, and she looked really surprised. "YOU LIKE JANE?" she asked really loudly. i nodded as i felt more tears fill my eyes.

camp love ~elmax story~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن