study buddies 🕸️

644 15 24

PAIRING: enid x gn!reader

SUMMARY: The reader has loads of homework to catch up with, but Enid, their girlfriend isn't letting them have things the way they want to.

GENRE: fluff

WARNINGS: nothing, just enid being the cutest <3 she's definitely my dream girlfriend 💝


"Okay so I have... five tasks to finish by the end of today," I huff out, pulling out my to do list from my pocket. "What about you, are you done with your work?" I turn around to ask Enid.

"Yeah yeah it's completed," She replies nonchalantly. "Do you really have to do this right now? We could do some other fun things."

"No Enid, all of these tasks are due tomorrow and I have already procrastinated enough," I tell her, both of us walking to the school library. She lets out a massive sigh.

"Fine," She grunts.

We reach the library and decide to go the table at the far end of the room. I quickly pull out my notebooks from my bag, and begin to work.

Only a few minutes have passed, and I have only made bare minimum of progress with my work, when I feel Enid tapping her pencil on my knee. I look up from my notebook to see her looking at me with a big grin on her face.

"What?" I whisper, knowing the librarian gets awfully angry whenever there's the slightest of sound.

"Why don't eggs tell each other jokes?" She asks, soft laughter bubbling through her lips.

I sigh, not knowing why would she bother me when I have a pile of homework to finish.

"I don't know Enid," I say, turning back to my work.

"Because then they would crack each other up," She laughs, and I widen my eyes to alert her to be silent.

"Shhhh Enid!! I don't want to be scolded by her!" I say, motioning to the librarian, who has already begun giving us suspicious looks.

"Yeah okay," she says, and I continue my work.

Another few minutes pass after which Enid taps her pencil on my arm this time.

"What is it now?" I say with gritted teeth.

"Just one last joke," She clears her throat before speaking, "what did one hat say to another?"

"Enid I really don't kn-"

"Stay here, I'm going on ahead!" She says, louder than she should be and laughs again. I look at the librarian who's glaring at us. One more sound from our table and she will be waltzing over and will kick us out.

"Okay okay sorry," Enid says, her laughter dying down and her voice level lowering, "I'll let you do your work now."

"Thank you." I whisper, and finally let the peace consume me, trying to get my work done as fast as I can.


It's been almost 2 hours and I have been so absorbed in my work, I don't realise where the time has passed.

I sit back up straight and stretch my arms a bit. I have finally done my work and I am quite content with it. I look at Enid, whose sitting in her chair, her face slumped in her hand as her other hand draws random lines on her notebook.

I push my chair and get up from it. She hears the sound of my chair and looks up at me.

"Are you done?" She asks expectantly.

"Yes," I smile, picking up my books and stuff them in my bag.

"OMG!" She yells, quickly getting out of her chair. I grimace at her loud volume, and before we know it, the librarian has made her way to our table.

"This is enough! I won't be letting the two of you stay in here anymore! This is a library, you can't just scream here!" She says, enraged.

Enid smiles at her. "We were on our way out of the library only," She says cheekily. She intertwines her hand with mine and drags me out of the library, and doesn't leave me any time to apologise to the librarian.

"Wow she has some issues," Enid says, once we're out of the library.

"To be fair you were being very loud," I tell her.

"Blah blah blah whatever," she rolls her eyes.

"Now that we're finally out of there," she says, stopping in her tracks and making me stop too, "I can finally do this."

Enid leans in and softly presses her lips against mine. She begins to pull back but I grasp onto the collar of her shirt and pull her back in, kissing her deeper, and harder.

"I missed this," I whisper, pulling back from her lips. She smiles, and presses another kiss on my lips.

"Come on, let's go to the quad." She says, a big grin on her face. I intertwine my hand with hers again and both of us run out of the hallway, to go out to the quad.



anyone who's willing to be my enid? I could do really good with a girlfriend btw

This was short, but I'm trying to write small blurbs just as much as large oneshots :) I might include some preferences or maybe social media based chapters too!! Those are fun to write hehe

I hope you liked this!! Please vote and comment <3

with love through health and sickness

with love through health and sicknessKeziah

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