first day 🕸️

449 8 27

PAIRING: tyler galpin x gn!reader

SUMMARY: the reader is a new worker at Weathervane, and their eye is caught by a certain curly haired co-worker.

GENRE: fluff



"So here is the espresso machine, be careful while using it, it isn't the most... durable, and here we have all the other ingredients required, you'll find everything you need right here." Hannah, the owner of Weathervane gives me instructions and I keep on taking mental notes of all of them.

"And here is your apron." She hands me a maroon colored apron, and I take it from her. "I have to leave now, Tyler right there can help you out, he's been working here for quite some time." With that, Hannah leaves me alone and I'm left in Weathervane along with a certain boy Tyler.

I spot Tyler behind the counter, who's looking at me. His curly brown hair sits perfectly on top of his head, as a soft smile pulls his lips. I return him the smile and make my way towards him behind the counter.

"So you're the new worker? I was really happy when Hannah told me she's hiring, I could do well with an extra hand around here," The smile doesn't seem to leave his face, and mine doesn't leave either.

"I hope I'll be a good extra hand for you," I pop on the apron and tie it behind my back. Tyler begins to give me more detailed explanation for everything that happens behind the counter; varying from how to make certain types of drinks, where the different ingredients are placed, and how to cater to rude customers.

"You'll never be able to rid yourself from the rude ones, they always seem to have something to interject your words with. It's important to remain patient with them, we don't want to lose our job now, do we?" He tells me, when we're done with the tour of the café.

I nod along his words. The bells of the door jingle and we direct our attention towards the entrance. A young boy walks in, and I let out a deep sigh.

My first customer.

I can do this.

"I promise it isn't as tough as you think," Tyler mumbles in my ear, "you'll do great." I give him a smile and prepare myself for my first day.


The sun has set down and the 'closed' sign is displayed in the front of the door, when me and Tyler are the only ones left in the café. We sit adjacent to each other on the counter, with our messy aprons still on.

"This was tiring, but fun." I turn around to look at him.

"I hope you enjoy it here, you did great for your first day," He says.

"Thank you." I smile at him, and both of us sit in silence for a few seconds, after which Tyler picks up a towel placed next to him on the counter.

"You've got a little uh... caramel on your face right there." He says, pointing to my cheek. I stitch my eyebrows in confusion, my fingers going up to my cheek to indeed feel something sticky on my skin. "Let me get that for you," he mumbles, coming slightly closer to me. He brings the towel to my face and rubs on my cheek gently. His face is so close to mine; I can see every little beauty mark on his face.

Tyler intently rubs off the caramel from my cheek, as I feel my cheeks heat up from our closure. "And done." He whispers, taking off the towel from my face.

Tyler doesn't lean back, the distance between us remains small, as he looks in my eyes and I look at him back. A warm and fuzzy feeling occupies my stomach, and for a few seconds it feels as if we two are the only people on this planet. I forget about all my worries and all I can think about is this boy in front of me.

The moment is quick to come to an end when Tyler clears his throat and leans back. I shake back into reality and realise I am not supposed to be having feelings this quick for someone who I just met.

"Thank you," I say, taking my fingers to my cheek again to not feel anything sticky on there anymore.

"Don't mention it," he smiles, and both of us get off the counter. It's 11.30 at night, and we decide to lock up Weathervane and leave.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Tyler asks.

"Yes, I think I'll keep this job," I tell him.  Smiles refuse to leave our face and we keep on standing in front of the closed door of Weathervane, as a soft wind blows around us.

It feels like my life is about to change, and it's all for the better.



not writing for so long definitely made me a bit rusty, but nevertheless I still hope you like it!! Votes and comments are highly appreciated <3

with love through health and sickness,

with love through health and sickness,keziah

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