"Now let's see it all put together. Who wants to volunteer?"

"Oh pick me!" Cat jumps up and waves her hand around

"Alright, what's your name?" Russ asks.

"Cat!" She giggles and stands where Russ places her.

"Now, if I throw a punch at Cat, like this...it's easy to see that my fist didn't connect with her face." Russ throws a punch that clearly missed.

"Thank you."

"But if we stage it from a different angle, then... like I showed you. Sound effect, ready?" He nods to check if everyone is ready.

"All set."

"To the audience or camera, It'll look like this." He punches again, but because of the positioning and sound effect, it really looks like Cat was hit.

"I'm okay, everyone." The class claps for her and Russ.

"All right, I'm going to pair you guys up, and each team will work with Russ this week to prepare a fight scene. We have an odd number of students in this class so one team is going to be a threesome."

"Oh, we did that last night," Bunny says absentmindedly while playing with Beck's hair. The class stops and stare at the trio in shock.

"You said that out loud Bunny." Beck smiles and Bunny blushes a little before laughing. Jade just smirks.


"As I was saying each team will work with Russ to prepare a fight scene so make sure to check the list posted on my door about what practice times you'll have." The teacher says to get the class back on track.

"I thought his name was Steve."

"He does look like a Steve," Tori says and the whole class starts talking in agreement.

"My name is Russ."

"Okay, and on Friday, you will all perform your fight scenes here in front of the class. Now, the pairs will be Beck and Cat, Andre and Gwen, Darren and Jess, Tori, Peter, and Jade."

"Tori and who? Uh, wait, I'm not comfortable with my partner." Tori waits to speak with the teacher when Jade walks up to her.

"Hey, partner. I can't wait for our fight...scene."


"How are you going to apply all that makeup during your fight?" Beck asks. Bunny still has a bruised eye, a bloody nose, and a few cuts on his face from his practice before lunch.

 Bunny still has a bruised eye, a bloody nose, and a few cuts on his face from his practice before lunch

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"I'm not. At most I'll have a split lip, this is just because Jade said she wanted to see what you would do if you saw me with a beat-up face." Bunny smiled and stole a few fries off Beck's plate.

"You passed," Jade tells him.

"Panicking means I passed?" He smirks at her.

"Threatening to kill whoever hurt Bunny means you passed." Jade leans over and kisses him hard.

"I like passing," Beck says when they separate

Bunny excitedly tells Beck all about their scene. An elderly couple going home from bingo when a mugger attacks them. "Guess who the mugger is."

"I don't know. Is it Tori?"

"No! Guess again!" Bunny smiles thinking he's stumped Beck.

"Is it you?" Beck guesses wrong again and Bunny throws his head back and laughs.

"Then it must be Jade."

"Yeah, you got it! Jade came up with the idea and with the lines in the script. She's really great at things like this." Bunny smiles at Jade proud of her talent.


Beck and Bunny are sitting in their favorite diner waiting for Jade to arrive.

"Jade texted and said she was bringing Tori with her" Beck puts his phone down on the table

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"Jade texted and said she was bringing Tori with her" Beck puts his phone down on the table.

Bunny swallows his sip of milkshake, "Do you think she apologized for the fake black eye?"

"I think she's doing something that counts as an apology instead of actually saying sorry."

"That sounds about right. Well, we can give her a fun Friday night to make up for it! I'll call everyone and we can hang out here!" Bunny shouted excitedly. He pulls out his phone and group calls their friends, "Hey everyone! Come hang with us at Mel's!"


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